While they have their uses I'm really not a fan of lawns, am I the only one?

But I love both your gardens!
Living with my parents still


, my mums in charge of the garden, and she's very good at it too. She designs other peoples gardens too, and has done courses on garden design and plants at Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh, I think she's looking to do more, and eventually wants to start a business designing gardens.
I used to have a patch of the garden to myself, but that was destroyed when we got our extension built

I'm still allowed control of the garden pond though, and I grow carnivorous plants, orchids and cacti/succulents in my room. Aquatic plants are my favourite though.
Would post pics but it's dark, -6*C outside and everything is frozen/snowed over.
Love spending summers in the garden though.
Love your economy pond BigC, and the acers are beautiful!
Very jealous of your collection too Ludwig, especially your airplant (I used to grow lots of these, but ran out of space).
I need to try air plants again lol.