Rotkeil Sevs And Geo' Tapajos - Norwich

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Fish Herder
Nov 28, 2009
Reaction score
Norwich, UK
[font="arial]Livestock: [/font]
[font="arial][font="arial]4 x Male Rotkeil Severums[/font][/font]
[font="arial][font="arial]3 x Geophagus Red Head Tapajos (2 are suspected long term pair, but only seen eggs once, before the sevs ate them all)[/font][/font]
[font="arial][font="arial]1 x Geophagus Dicrozoster (suspected, bought as tapajos but is not! Has the black Y banding on the underside of head)[/font][/font]
[font="arial][font="arial]1 x BN (female, small)[/font]Age and condition: All adult
Quantity for sale: See above
Reason for Sale: Working away from home for a few months, cant rely on good fish care from others. Need to be gone by mid July.
Delivery or Collection: Collection Only
Sales price: £10 each, less if more than one bought, negotiable on price if the case. BN is free.
Postage & Packaging: N/A
Location: Norwich
Photograph: on request, good condition though, visit and see for yourself

All negotiations and questions must be posted in this sales thread and NOT by PM.

Communications may only be taken to PM once the sale and price has been agreed upon on the open forum and payment/collection details need to be given.
The agreement of the time and date of collection or postage, or confirmation that items have been posted should also be posted in the thread.

Please refrain from commenting unless you are interested in more details or are interested in buying.
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Hi, could you post up pics of the rotkeils please? and how old are they?
Hi, could you post up pics of the rotkeils please? and how old are they?
When I am home I'll post some pics, tomorrow hopefully. They are young adults around 6 inches.

I notice you're in Sheffield though, can you collect as I will not be posting fish?
Here's a vid:

Apologies for the algae infested tank, the glass hasn't been cleaned for a good long while. Still gets a 70% water change weekly.

The 2 Tapajos you see are the suspected pair, you also see 2 of the sevs (both males) and the suspected Dicrozoster at the end
No one interested and local to me? I am willing to negotiate on these already low prices, I do need to re-home these fish...
i cant believe these are still for sale.... :crazy:

how far are you from the sherringham area? the reason i ask is that im going that way with the kids but not until the end of july so im not sure if that too late for you.
45 mins drive from Sheringham, I need to rehome by the 21st at the latest though, right now I can't even find a local shop that will take them off me...

I am gonna mis the geo's the most, they are real good characters and the pair are great to watch even though I've only seen one batch of eggs (which the sevs ate)
oh well if you still have them for some reason at the end of the month then let me know. i cant believe even the shops wont take them though..... they obviously dont know a good fish when they see one!
hey i'm interested in taking all the geophagus could you message me a price as i would be traveling quite a long way or if you would be willing to meet somewhere around the colchester area, that would be helpful. but also my parents are currently on a mini holiday in norfolk and are comming back tomorrow so i possibly could get them to pick them up but they are complete novices so you would have to pack them up very well.

It's very likely that the Geo's have found a new home all being well.

However I still haven't found homes for the Sevs, and they need to be gone by end of Thursday at the latest to allow me to have time to shut the tank down and clean it up before I am off.

I really can't travel to deliver or arrange postage at this late stage (too much on) but will give the fish away to anyone who can come to my door and pick them up, like mentioned the fish need to go as my family/folks are not able to tend to their needs whilst I am away for work for weeks at a time.
Remaining 3 fish euthanatized as no-one would take them :( This will be the first and last time I work away for a month at a time, I had hoped there would be more interest locally to take the fish or at the very least a shop willing to take them...I know what to expect next time.

I'll be restocking once I start a new contract, possibly late september to mid october, expecting to go with 1 or 2 Oscars but am toying with a Snakehead or some other oddball type fish...I am going to keep bigger and fewer fish once I restock tough, that is certain.

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