How big is the tank? Can you tell us what the length, depth and height to the top of the water are please?
It should have a Test Kit and hopefully some basic plants for sale. If it doesn't you NEED to look elsewhere.From the small store with other animals it's not just care fishing
The internet is a wonderful thing, when you know how to take advantage of it.This supplier seems to have a reasonable choice of aquatic supplies and they have various ways of contacting them too, which will help when ordering etc
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Thank u very much, I'll buy now anything I can do for my fish helpful..?This supplier seems to have a reasonable choice of aquatic supplies and they have various ways of contacting them too, which will help when ordering etc
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Okay should I change water and add new one?It seems that test kits might be a little hard to get, I have found one supplier in your region who you can order online and they deliver in about a week
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Once we know the water chemistry, that will help sort the issues you have with the fish
In the meantime, I would suggest daily water changes of around 50-75% which should manage any water chemistry problems until you can test it
Until you have your test kit and new substrate and plants...please do 50% to 75% water changes daily as that will keep the water as best as possible til we know what the problem isThank u very much, I'll buy now anything I can do for my fish helpful..?
The fish that is unwell might not make it but if you do the water changes every day then you will give it a fighting chanceOkayy .. do you think really my fish can't live ... I can see her trying to swimming some way