Roseline Sharks


New Member
May 31, 2006
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hi, i was wondering if someone could break down the specs for roseline sharks for me. lifespan, how big do they get, what fish do they mix with, temperature, ph, etc. I'd appreciate this for I just started my aquarium and only have a 10 gallon at the moment with 2 mini balla sharks and a female betta.
do a google for barbus dennisoni or puntis dennisoni,
Sorry I'm not fully awake yet, otherwise Id do it for you.
They're schooling fish, get biggish, and very active, so 10g is way too small. As it is for balas, who grow even bigger (14"), are schoolnig, and very active.
Return the balas, they need at least a 6 foot tank when mature and they will grow fast.

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