Roseline Shark


I have the opportunity to get some Roseline Sharks, and I am debating whether it's a good idea, because I currently have three Siamese Algae Eaters, and don't know if they'll get along with the Roselines.

I have a 75 gallon planted tank. The SAE's are my favorite fish in the tank. They are so fun to watch, and get along really well. I was thinking about getting one or two of the Roselines to see how they all do together. Anyone have any experience with the two together, or heard of any reason why they should not be together? I was also wondering if 75 gallons is big enough for the three SAE's and 2 or more Roselines.

SAEs should get along just fine with these guys, especially in a 75g planted tank. However, if you get 1, get 6. They are a schooling species. You wouldn't get one neon or danio, so don't get one roseline...

Also, what else do you have in the tank?
"SAEs should get along just fine with these guys, especially in a 75g planted tank. However, if you get 1, get 6. They are a schooling species. You wouldn't get one neon or danio, so don't get one roseline...

Also, what else do you have in the tank?"

Besides the SAE's I have an angelfish, discus, various tetras, corys, a couple of clown plecos, crystal red shrimps, that's about it. An odd mish-mash, I know.

I don't know how many I can get. I think the guy has five, but I'm not sure. We are trading...CRS for the roselines, and I'm not sure at this point how much he wants for the roselines, but I don't think it's more than $20 each. Nice deal since it's not costing me anything with the trade.
"SAEs should get along just fine with these guys, especially in a 75g planted tank. However, if you get 1, get 6. They are a schooling species. You wouldn't get one neon or danio, so don't get one roseline...

Also, what else do you have in the tank?"

Besides the SAE's I have an angelfish, discus, various tetras, corys, a couple of clown plecos, crystal red shrimps, that's about it. An odd mish-mash, I know.

I don't know how many I can get. I think the guy has five, but I'm not sure. We are trading...CRS for the roselines, and I'm not sure at this point how much he wants for the roselines, but I don't think it's more than $20 each. Nice deal since it's not costing me anything with the trade.

I had these with SAEs - no problem at all. The SAEs hung out near the bottom of the tank most of the time (or sitting on plant leaves) whearas the Demisoni/redline torpedos/roseline (whatever!) generally occupied the upper third of the tank. No conflict between them when they met.

(Biggest problem was a male panchax trying to mate with the SAEs after his mate died!)
I'm glad to hear positive feedback re: keeping the SAEs and roselines together. I am going to get six this weekend.

I bet the discus and angel will be a little stressed with all the darting around, but I'm sure they'll adjust.
I would definitely not keep the denisonii with discus. The barbs are way too active and prefer cooler temps than discus. I have mine with an angel pair with no problems however as well as with an SAE.

I also would not be inclined to keep discus and angels together normally either. There is a disease risk indoing so esp if either are wild caught.

Discus are not agressive eaters but tend to feed leisurely all day. When kept with other more agressive feeders the discus will rarely get enough food.
At the time I received the discus, I didn't know it wasn't recommended to keep them with angels. A friend brought me some one day, from one of his friends that raised them. At least neither one of them are wild caught.

I now only have one discus, and you are right, she really isn't an agressive eater, but really trys to get as much food as she can when I feed them. I can tell it's not her preferred method of feeding, but what can I do, I accepted the fish, and am now stuck with her unless I turn her in to a lfs.
:sad: I definatlry want some too. I love the colors and the fact that they are peaceful community fish is fantastic. HOw many do you think could fit in a 30 gallon?

I would get some but they are way out of my price range, they cost like 45 dollars each. Every place i go to find some in Chicago.

I have just been in the hobby for 3 months and have fun with it. I have found they cost around $40 in Tennessee for a 3 to 4 inch Rose line Shark. I have to get me one with my next paycheck.
Where do you buy roseline sharks online ,I can only find them at places very exspensive
This fish isn't very cheap at the moment, the lowest price I have seen is for $23.99. My fish store had very small ones (1") for $35.
I understand they are all but extinct in the wild now but are fairly easy to breed and the prices have been lowering fairly steadily. They are about $20 for 2" examples here in Nor Cal.
I've got six babies in my 240l, just ~5cm long. Got a great deal for them too, £13-50 per pair, as they were commercially bred (which is great considering their staus in the wild, bordering on extinct). Very graceful normally, lovely to see them schooling in the Eheim 2078 current, but can't half shift when they need to!
I've got six babies in my 240l, just ~5cm long. Got a great deal for them too, £13-50 per pair, as they were commercially bred (which is great considering their staus in the wild, bordering on extinct). Very graceful normally, lovely to see them schooling in the Eheim 2078 current, but can't half shift when they need to!

where abouts in england are u??? the best i can get them is £25 per pair.
also what temp is needed for them. my current set up runs at 26.5c.
I've got six babies in my 240l, just ~5cm long. Got a great deal for them too, £13-50 per pair, as they were commercially bred (which is great considering their staus in the wild, bordering on extinct). Very graceful normally, lovely to see them schooling in the Eheim 2078 current, but can't half shift when they need to!

where abouts in england are u??? the best i can get them is £25 per pair.

This is from Aquajardin in Fairoak, outskirts of Southampton. They are £15 per pair and then a 10% discount is applied if you buy a £5 membership card ;)

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