

Fish Crazy
Jul 24, 2004
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Athens, GA
My ropefish's little front fins are almost completely gone due to some bullying begal loaches. I moved her from the 40 gallon to the 10 gallon hospital and have started her on melafix. Is there anything else I can do for her??? I've had her a year and would be really upset to lose her....
Yeah, get stress coat. Ropes are pretty tough though, so as long as it's eating healthy and acts normal it should be ok :)
As long as no infection sets in it will be fine the fins should growback-Anne
:( Hey I Have no Advice But GoodLuck I Know I would'nt Want My Poor RopeFish To Die and I DOn't Think Yours Will
I am going back to the pet store today. Besides stress coat, what meds will help her grow her fins back. (She is eating and swimming and is as happy as can be, other than the fact she's in a tiny hospital tank).

Is it bad to have 3 bengal loaches together? Why are they being mean to other fish? Is there anything I can do to prevent their nipping at fins?

Fins should grow back ok without needing any special food etc. Most important thing is to watch for fungal infections as the fin grows.

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