Rope/reed/snake Fish Aka Erpetoichthys Calabaricus

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Apr 28, 2008
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i really want to add either one of these Erpetoichthys calabaricus or some sort of bichir, ive got a 240 l aquarium. has anyone had experience with rope fish ? are they active etc. how do they compare to bichirs?

i really want to add either one of these Erpetoichthys calabaricus or some sort of bichir, ive got a 240 l aquarium. has anyone had experience with rope fish ? are they active etc. how do they compare to bichirs?


I found my reedfish to be a lot more active then my bichir.

Reedfish do better in groups. In a 240l tank you could have a group of 5-6 reeds if your filtration is good. :good:

Or you could get a senegal or a delhezi. :good:
i'd go for a group of reed fish rather than a bichir as they are more active and also less likely to munch their way through your tank mates, if you've got any smaller fish.
I had two a while ago around 35cm long that would come up to the top to be fed, so they can be quite sociable.
I've got three reeds ad 1 ornate Bichir

I hardly see the Bichir and I've had him over a year however my 3 reeds from day one have been all over the tank. very active and eat everyting

the reeds look great as well cos they are about 30 cm fattening up and they do look like snakes and appear out f every nook and cranny in the tank. Plus they are completely harmless which I cannot say same for Bichir as he is a snappy git
im planning on housing the reed fish/s with a channa bleheri and maybe an angel fish will these be ok together??

don't know anythingbout Bleheri but you will have no issues with Reeds other than possible escape as I once found out to my cost. They escape out of any hole possible so if you have gaps and I mean the slightest gap close it!!

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