Its a kinda MAGIC!! ^_^
Came home with 3 lovely reedfish today, i must admit a bit of an impulse buy but i had been planning some. Currently there in a 35Gal with my Bettas until i upgrade after xmas, the tank is tight fitted, no gaps of anysize heavily planted with plenty of hidy holes, so far they seem happy
anyway just wondered whats best for a stable diet?
the tank gets bloodworm weekly, the rest of the fish get fed daily on various pellets/flakes
i hear they like ther emeat some am guessing meat based pellets would be best? any recommendations?
Totally love them already i want more
anyway just wondered whats best for a stable diet?
the tank gets bloodworm weekly, the rest of the fish get fed daily on various pellets/flakes
i hear they like ther emeat some am guessing meat based pellets would be best? any recommendations?
Totally love them already i want more