Rope Fish

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New Member
Mar 12, 2006
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how many rope fish can i put in a 29 gallon aqurium?
they will reach 30"+
that is your choice, but don't expect any fish to survive in that tank.
they will all end up as food.
also ropefish are gregariouse and need to be in groups
Yep, I'd imagine the ropefish will like the gourmet food. Until you kill it, obviously.
you guys are stupid it will only attack or eat anything thats fits in his mouth sorry for u look it up :lol:
Yeah.... Small (10") ropefish would have no trouble eating dwarf gouramis and mollies at a couple of inches each.
May I ask why did you even ask if you had your mind made up? Please by all means buy that fish that costs mony bring it home and then flush it down to toilet when you have killed it off. Then you will be happy to run out and do it again, then when you are tired of that sale your tank cheap so some one like me can come along and put it to good use.
Have a nice day.
you will find this forum dosn't tollerate trolls and spammers.
have you fun whilst it lasts, it won't be long.
farewell numpty.
why buy a fish you cant house properly??corbin sorry to sound harsh but people like you annoy me immensley
YOU IDIOT! why dont you listen to peoples advice as youv asked for it a 30"+ fish cant live ina 36" tank do the maths.your goin to murder that fish slow and painfully, MURDERER!! i think i speak for everyone when i say that you people totally anoy me and by the way a ropefish will easily consume a gourami.
YOU IDIOT! why dont you listen to peoples advice as youv asked for it a 30"+ fish cant live ina 36" tank do the maths.your goin to that fish slow and painfully, ER!! i think i speak for everyone when i say that you people totally anoy me and by the way a ropefish will easily consume a gourami.
a rope fishes mouth opens to 1 inch and a gourmai is 2 thank you very much fo the horrible advice look it up befor you say it :lol: it is funny to liten to people talk about somthing they dont know lolololol hahahahah
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