Room Temperature Fish


Aug 16, 2012
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I'm going to turn my 35 gallon tank into a room temp tank in my bedroom. I plan to buy a few Weather/Dojo loaches and some danios as well. What other types of fish in these families do well in room temp? Looking at this list here I see a few types that I have in my area being:

White Mountain Minnow
Leopard/Zebra Danio
most of the barbs mentioned on the list
Buenos Aires Tetra - I've seen them before, not often though

The tank is 35 gallons, I plan to get about 5-6 weather loaches and was wondering how many other fish I can fish in to decorate the tank and add some activity? I'll most likely go with danios because they're cheap and everywhere, and a store in town is selling a few of the red neon kind
If you want activity you can't go wrong with Danios in my opinion - if you want colour you might want to look at ticto/ordessa barbs which are beautiful fish in my opinion.
The tank is 35 gallons, I plan to get about 5-6 weather loaches

My 8 made full use of my 150g, please do not cramp them up in a tiny 35! They often hang out in shady spots under soft sand with just their head poking out, but come the evening they did lap after lap midwater. My ones reached ~15cm within eight months and they ought to grow to something close to 25cm over time.
The tank is 35 gallons, I plan to get about 5-6 weather loaches

My 8 made full use of my 150g, please do not cramp them up in a tiny 35! They often hang out in shady spots under soft sand with just their head poking out, but come the evening they did lap after lap midwater. My ones reached ~15cm within eight months and they ought to grow to something close to 25cm over time.

Agreed - id never actually heard of a weather loach but my usual sources suggest they grow to 25cm and need at least a 4 foot tank.
Ive got a 50, 75 and 125 i could put them in but read that tropical temp drastically reduces their life span... everywhere im looking around as well says 30+ should be fine.... hmm. Are yours the regular or golden? I can only get the golden ones in town and I read they stay smaller then the natural ones

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