Roma 240 slow burn...

Some new photos, loving the developments!


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Still struggling with black beard algae, especially on the plants at the surface near the lights....I've halved the ferts dosage, plants are still doing well and the green dust algae has all but gone. I've also added a little powerhead near the front which has helped tremendously with lifting the muck off the sand and pushing the water round, I've also added a long bubbler at the back and aimed both outlets at the surface so there's some awesome surface agitation going on.

My sunsets have returned to good health and have been put back much to their delight, I'm sure they appreciate the space.
The lights are only on at 50% and only whites, no blue or red...I've turned the rocks over that were covered in the BBA and it's not that's something at least...

*glares at BBA and shakes fist*


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The lights are only on at 50% and only whites, no blue or red...I've turned the rocks over that were covered in the BBA and it's not that's something at least...

*glares at BBA and shakes fist*
That’s real nice now that the plants are starting to establish and look lush and fill in the tank.

Nice job.

Notice you have a powerhead, is this because there was not enough flow coming from filter output?
That’s real nice now that the plants are starting to establish and look lush and fill in the tank.

Nice job.

Notice you have a powerhead, is this because there was not enough flow coming from filter output?

Thank you 😊
The flow wasn't terrible but I wanted to eliminate any dead spots and it's really helped lift the detritus and poop up into the water column for the filter to pick up
I have found that BBA, once it gets established, doesn't always go away when you fix the root cause. It stops spreading, but it doesn't go away. Sometimes you have to actually kill the stuff. With napalm.
I have found that BBA, once it gets established, doesn't always go away when you fix the root cause. It stops spreading, but it doesn't go away. Sometimes you have to actually kill the stuff. With napalm.
Napalm is not strong enough to kill BBA I don’t think…..
I'm thinking I'm going to have to sacrifice and be brutal with the plants it's attached to...😭
I'm thinking I'm going to have to sacrifice and be brutal with the plants it's attached to...😭
Well, I was actually sort of referring to turning the rocks over. A lot of people have this idea that, if you eliminate whatever imbalance is causing it, it just *poof* goes away. That is true of most kinds of algae, but not BBA, in my experience. It has to be killed.

Here's how I killed it in my tank, finally: Get some flourish excel. Measure out the amount appropriate for your tank. Mix it into a spray bottle, and fill it the rest of the way with tank water. Drain the tank as low as practical (I could go down to about 5" in my 55g before the fish really started freaking out) and spray the living blitz out of everything. Leave it for a few minutes, then refill the tank with treated, temp-equalized water. Kills it dead. Just be sure the water is aerated so it doesn't kill your fish, too. (don't ask me how I know that...)
The lotus doesn't seem to be any worse for wear since it's been relocated and lost its tuber, it's made a new leaf...the hydrocotyle is not doing well however, its leaves are staying really small which I read may be due to the warmer water, its making new leaves but at a slow pace and its just covered in algae.

And the cyano is still being a bother, I may have to reduce the light even more and reduce ferts again 😕


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No, I think I’ve missed him, he is beautiful 😍 as is the tank 🙂 that I have size and content envy of 😂
Aww thank you 😅 I never thought anyone would be envious of my tank, I'd say it was pretty average...I'm still learning about plants and getting the balance right where lights etc are concerned. One day I'll try my hand at high tech with CO2 🤪
I've found, through completely unscientific observation that the dwarf lilies don't grow as fast when they lost their tuber, but they don't automatically die, either.

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