Roma 125 Re-Scape

So I've been doing a bit more research on dwarf gouramis and was thinking of one of the following types that I like;
Neon Blue
Dwarf Gourami
Could I mix types of would it be best having just one type? How many do you reckon I could get in my current tank?
I'd like to get a pair of peacock gobys as well but I think that is out of the questions stock wise unfortunately.
Well I've ordered some more plants, mainly crypts to fill in some existing space and some java fern to attach to my bogwood so dense things out a tad, I will upload a pic once they've come and been planted!
I went to look around some local lfs the weekend to look at some gouramis which I'm definitely interested in getting, I'm not too sure about stocking, would 1 male and 1 female be ok or would it be better as 1 male and 2 females? Also, could I get different types or would it be best getting all the same types?
I think it depends on the species I think I've heard of people having a like "Gourami only" tank where they keep many different species of Gourami but I'm not completely sure of it though it has probably been done.
1 male to 2 females is better as it spreads the amount of harassment from the male so it (mostly) avoids just one female being harassed. Also often it is hard to find females so if you can't find any then just get 1 male.
Thanks blondielovesfish, I think I'm going to struggle to find any females of any varieties around me, there aren't a wholenlot of shops around me so I might have to travel further for a female or two if I'm lucky!
Yeah, females are generally hard to come by as they are no where near as colourful as the males.
You might just have to get all males though I'm not sure how different species would mix.
Hi all :)
So as a bit of an update I've ordered some new plants which are looking quite good;

The two stones are not definite at the moment but I think they have worked quite well. The new plants across the back of the tank are suppose to be crypt wendtii but I am slightly unsure if they are, can anyone ID it for me please? The only thing really to add is a back background at some point and see how things progress.
I've been thinking about rehoming my corys as I only have two left and I felt mean only leaving the two of them as I am unsure whether I want to add more as I don't find that they come out much so I think it might be best to rehome them. I was going to get a trio of honey gouramis assuming I can find any females locally which I believe I have.
So overall I'd have;
3 Honey Goruamis,
10 Cardinal Tetras (tempted to get more)
4 Glowlight Tetras
What else would you suggest? I have been thinking of some sort of small pleco instead of my corys but after some research it's pretty obvious that they poop quite a lot and I don't know if that's the right thing for me. Everytime I go to my lfs I constantly look at the hillstream loaches but I know that they require a lot of oxygen in the tank and I don't want to buy one and find out the hard way that I don't but I would definitely like one if I am able to. Or alternatives are welcome :) Or I could keep my corys and up there numbers.

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