🐠 TOTM Rocky998 - August Tank of the Month Winner (31 gal & larger)


Hammer Time
Staff member
Global Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
We have a winner in Fishforums.net
August 2023 Tank
of the Month Contest
We had 7 awesome tanks entered in this month's TOTM contest featuring tanks sized at 31 gallon and larger but only one could win...
And the winner is.......
Let's all congratulate them
Here's the winning tank and its description
Here is my 40g breeder river aquarium. It's been running well now for a few months now and I have added fish not to long ago!
This tank replaced my 20g tall tank which had 3 peacock gudgeons that got upgraded to this tank.
There have been some difficulties with this tank like a few algae issues, a "surprise fish", and a few other things. But this tank has turned out great for me so far and I hope y'all like it as well!

Malaysian Driftwood
Grey river rocks
Quikrete Play Sand

-Fluval Aquaclear 50
-Fluval Aquaclear 30
-Fluval 150w Heater
-Hygger Sunrise/Sunset programmable LED light

Aquatic Plants:
-Amazon Sword
-Ludwigia Repens/ovalis
-Cryptocoryne Wendtii Red and Green
-Tiger lotus

Terrestrial/House Plants:
-Golden Pothos

-Corydoras Sterbai x14
-Peacock Gudgeon (Tateurndina Ocellicauda) x6
-Siamese Algae Eater (Crossocheilus oblongus) x1 (came with plants as a surprise)  
-Bladder and Ramshorn Snails (of course)

More fish will be added in the future
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Congrats to @Rocky998 for his win with his 40 gallon river themed tank. Great aquascaping job. Well deserved win!
Coming in 2nd place is @fishjasonle with his 300 gallon Discus tank. If I were a discus, I would love living in that tank. Nice job!
And coming in 3rd place is @connorlindeman with his 40 gallon breeder tank. Great looking tank.

Right now we are accepting entries for our Fish of the Month contest. For August's contest, we are featuring Plecos. If you have a Pleco, please consider entering the contest.
CLICK HERE to view the entry thread.
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Wahoo! 🥳 Well done matey!

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