I'd be bound to break the glass during a water change. I am renowned for being clumsy 
When I had an internal filter in my betta tank, the betta slept on top of it. Even if I positioned it so the top was level with the water surface he managed to wriggle on top of it. I eventually changed it for an air pump powered sponge filter as I was fed up of getting up in a morning and finding the filter on the bottom of the tank. I never found out if that was due to sucker failure or the betta knocking it down.

When I had an internal filter in my betta tank, the betta slept on top of it. Even if I positioned it so the top was level with the water surface he managed to wriggle on top of it. I eventually changed it for an air pump powered sponge filter as I was fed up of getting up in a morning and finding the filter on the bottom of the tank. I never found out if that was due to sucker failure or the betta knocking it down.