Fish Crazy
Hey, I just bought 4 lovely little Rocket Panchax which I was a little worried for because they are so small, in with a couple of Peacock Gobies, some Phantom Tetras, some shrimps a load of coolies and a male Endler. I thought the phantoms or the Gobies might have a pop but they have been fine.
The Endler however is going nuts after them (talk about small man complex!) they are handling it well and just calmly moving away but it must be a bit stressful for them. I'm gonna find some floating plants tomorrow with roots nut do you think that this is a no-no combination or just cos they are new??
The Endler however is going nuts after them (talk about small man complex!) they are handling it well and just calmly moving away but it must be a bit stressful for them. I'm gonna find some floating plants tomorrow with roots nut do you think that this is a no-no combination or just cos they are new??