Rock Formations


Sep 15, 2007
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Waukesha WI
I was wondering if any one has deviated from the original stack all the rocks across the whole back area. I'm thinking of trying a different formation for my rocks because I'm going to be planting it with hardy non tasty plants. Has anyone tried using the using the rock pile or split rock pile method akin to the kinds that are used in salt water setup?
I haven't done it myself, but I've seen pictures of tanks set up that way. As long as you have plenty of caves/cover for everyone I can't see it being a problem. :good:
I change the formation every other week. Not too dramatically, but they all come out anbd then back in. Keeps it interesting for me to look at and keeps aggression down.
I too am always messing about with my rock layout.

At the moment my rocks are on the right of my tank around the weir, but they are 2 layers deep.

I think that configuration gives more gaps and hiding spaces for the amount of rock used.

Also, as mad as it may seem, I think the fish enjoy a bit of novelty and exploration of new things!

I do realise it sounds bonkers, but as I am unable to work I spend a lot of time watching my tanks.
When, for instance, I put a new ceramic artificial log in my tank, after a few minutes all my smaller cichlids swim up to it to have a look.
Then they swim through it and swim in and out of all its holes.

It really reminds me of when I was a child and I put a new toy into my gerbils cage.

Iam fairly sure that Iam not imagining it, and none of my other fish in any of my other tanks display the same kind of behaviour.
It is just that cichlids seem to be really curious.

So I think changing their enviromen toccasionaly is a good thing for them


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