Cheese Specialist said:
Jess said:
Hmmm... well, ignore what the books say cos that never works!!! For me at least!! I found that just having them out (when you're on here?
) in the same room with you works. If you just ignore him and carry on with what your doing i can assure you that he will eventually come over just cos they're so inquisitive!!! It can take a long time to tame a bird and you've not had Symon that long so i wouldn't worry too much, but a couple of hours with him in the same room with you each night should help!
Well, I am with him for hours everyday. I open his cage at about 10am (if I do it later he starts squalking and can hear him from bed (I sleep late
)) and he's still out now. I just close it when he goes home and sits in his sleeping place. lol. He's with me for almost all that time as I spend all my time in the living room on the pc/working/etc unless I am at Uni.
I know that it can take a long time with animals, Oscar (middle pig) wouldn't let me stroke him for about a year and a half! Now he's grand.
I'll look forward to seeing more pics of Robbie. I like that he's noisy, Symon is vry noisey, he looks like such a dude!
a year and a half?
thats a very long time
all of my animals, (birds, guinea pigs, ect.)
have been hand tame within days of me getting them
they were (and those i have today are) very healthy, happy
and very VERY well kept
their quality of life is very good
(except for my dog who is going under some strict retraining and for the time being is on a chain
since she dug through a wall and you can now look beside the steal door and see straight outside!)
at the risk of starting a debate
in captivity,
animals, like infants and children need boundaries
they do not understand the dangers found in households
its as simple as closing a door as they decide to go through, or sitting down on a bed as they play underneith the sheets and are suffocated/ badly injured
i could name them off forever,
burners, plants, other animals, windows, feet, doors, electrical cords, heaters, vents, even something so simply as chipping paint
in the beginning they should not have free rein imo
my animals were all restricted unless under supervision
annd they all turned out marvelous in a rediculously short amount of time
imo its irresponsible to have them out without supervision
but thats just me
pickle was hand tamed (no joke) in a day and began training in a week
he talked in a few months
now he is 9 months old (my how time flies! no pun intended)
and since he was about 4 months old he has spoke full sentences, songs, immitates tons of noises, is fully hand tame and trained and even does tricks
i have NEVER had to clip his wings
he is very cuddley and well behaved
i am not saying anything negative about symon because in my opinion all budgies are highly inteligent and in alot of cases the more inteligent the animal, the more stubborn they can be
but IMO he needs some boundaries
but he is your bird and every parent raises their children differently
that doesn't mean you are wrong
EDIT: i know this post is worded wierd and riddled with spelling mistakes but its because i am in a rush