Ro Water?

well If i recall, it was 100, let me look it up again. Joyce says that "just over 100 hobbyists who had experience keeping clownfish-hosting sea anemones filled out survey forms posted on compuServe FishNet and on the internet."

After work tonight when I have more time ill skim through fenners book and see if i can find the section i recall reading.
I use tap water with my tanks and i havnt had a problem.
Buy some test kits and test your tap water for anything thats harmfull towards what you are interested in keeping. If your reading 0 across the board your lucky and you are ok with that water.
Thats not a sound experiment at all. Internet based user surveys prove nothing, and only 100 people were tested, which is low. No control was used if the she is just using an internet form. Without further statistical analysis you cannot say there is any relationship between the survival time of anemones in tanks which use RO water or tap water.
Im just quoting the published work. Honestly I have no idea exactly what she did. She isnt very specific in her book. Could always shoot her an email and ask her.
Yeah we know its not your work :) but I agree with Mr Miagi. NOt exactly the most reliable data sources. It is a cool proof of concept which would definitely warrant mroe research, but nowhere near enough to gain much acceptance in the community :)

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