Ro Water?


New Member
Nov 27, 2005
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:( Is it essential to use RO water in a marine tank,or can i use treated tap water with correct amount of salt?
Is it essential to read books, go to class, and do assignments in school if you want a diploma?
Didn't i just know i would get at least one answer like that,some folks just can't resist. Come on Bring it on!!!!
If your tapwater is without any the following elements you CAN use it. Copper, nitrate, phosphate, silicate. However I have yet to see a water source for use in a home which has none of those elements. I'm sure some exhist, but they are so rare that its not worth risking the livestock IMO. If you NEVER plan to house corals in that tank, then you can remove copper from that list.
You CAN use tap water, how much od you like looking at a tank full of hair algae?

It is possible to use tap water, but you will constantly be fighting against its effects in the way of the elements mentioned by Ski Fletch above.
Thankyou andywg for your civil reply. I have heard so much conflicting advice concerning the setting up of a marine system,that i am getting a bit confused about the whole issue,but then again i'm easily confused lol :-(
My tapwater has high calcium, and pH, and zero phosphate, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, copper, or other minerals. :p :p :p
IT comes down to this. Do you live in an old house in a polluted part of the country, where your water is contaiminated with run-off from farms and factorys? or do you live in a relativly new house with no contaimanents in your water?

Old house the the copper pipes are staining your water (mine are) and you dont want copper in your system. Farm chemicals and others, can cause havock on your tank if not removed.

That being said. There is some inital research that some types of animals, mostly Nems, that do better and live longer in tanks that dont use RO. But this is just the intial phase and we dont know enough about those critters to positivly attribute one way or another. It just happens to be a coincidence.

P.S. I apologize for the spelling, Im very tired and am not really paying attention to what i type.

EDIT ---

I wanted to back this up with literature.

page 47 of clownfishes by joyce d wilkerson

"in the anemoe survey, only 39% {of keepers} used tap water as make up water, but a whopping 83% of the anemone s kept alive for 24 months o rmore were in those tanks. only 14% of those kept alive for 24 months or more were in tanks using highly purified water from reverse osmosis.despite those representing 61% of the tanks surveyed. In a nutshell: respondents using tap water for make up water were 6 times more likely to maintain anemones for more than 24 months than those using RO water."

it continues for two more paragraphs but you get the point. I also recall seeing something similar in i want to say either fenners book or one of sprungs books. Borneman disuces the benifets of each as well. I agree with the first post. It is essential to read your books and study. There are lots of opinions out there. you owe it to you inhabitants to study each one.
Interesting. Any idea what her N was (number of studied cases) for RO and tap users?

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