Ro Water Or Bottled Water

Sioux Falls Water Quality Report every major county is required by law to put out something similar in this country ;). So you've got some HARD water there, wow. Your metals look great, very very low and most other elements would be just fine with dechlorination; my only worry though is the exceptional level of sulphate in your water. It's not that big a deal for corals, but I do know one pest that can use it as a fuel... Cyanobacteria... Might be worth the investment in an RO unit or distilled water from the supermarket as a temporary measure.
Thanks, I didn't realize they're required to do that! Thank you also for analyzing it for me!
What do you think about an R/O unit that's been sitting unused for ahwile? Would I have problems with it? it would be from my bro in-law so I'm not to worried about it not working. I bought my 2nd hand eheim pro II 2028's from him and about 10-13ish(or something like that) boxes of substrate and the gravel stuff that goes in them for about $300 total for all of it. He gave me quite a deal and I tried to pay him more, but he wouldn't take it. I had to replace a $12 seal on one of them and he was trying to pay me for that(I wouldn't let him, as I got quite the deal already). So I'm not worried about him screwing me over with it. I'm just wondering if they "go bad" if they sit for awhile?
TBH, the best place to find an RO unit on this side of the pond is ebay :)
Great thanks, I bought 2 30" light strips off ebay. They are Jalli Corp top aquarium series. They each came with 2 light bulbs. 2 flouresent and 2 actinic. (1 of each in each light). It was about $100 including shipping. It thought it was a pretty good deal! I also bought 15 of my african cichlids off ebay. Pundamilia Nyererei and Cynotilapia Afra "Cobue". I like ebay.
Dunno about the one that's been sitting. SOME membranes decompose if left to dry, and others do not. Only way to know for sure is to try running it and test the output TDS. Either way, if he's willing to give it you, you can always buy a replacement membrane.
ok thanks. :D I'll think about it and look into them a little more. I don't know very much about how they work, :blush: I have A LOT to look into! I am loving all the good reads here! :book:
They're conceptually simple. its a rolled membrane with micropores in the range of microns or smaller in size throughout the membrane. High water pressure is placed on one side and only a trickle of pure water gets through the micropores. The pores are so small that they stop larger solids and ions, only allowing the small H2O through.
Thank you sooo much!! I'm reading your 45 gallon marine reef 2006 right now :fun: ...It's a long one :eek: !

But VERY good!! :good:
Heh, glad you liked it. Chronicles a lot of trials, tribulations, and learning experiences with some humor thrown in there :). Come to think of it, I should bring home the good camera from work and take some shots of it as it is today, people prolly wonld barely recognize it :D
Come to think of it, I should bring home the good camera from work and take some shots of it as it is today, people prolly wonld barely recognize it

I'm sure others would love to see it, as well as I! :snap: :nod:

:thanks: For your help and patience!

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