TDS results are in.
Though... Firstly, we tested tap water, its a dual probe but was only using 1 at a time.
Tap - Probe 1 - 101
Tap - Probe 2 - 87
Surely these probes should be making the same reading?
I didn't put them in at the same time either.
Anyway, decided to test the Waste and Pure both times on each probe.
Waste - Probe 1 - 272
Waste - Probe 2 - 224
Pure - Probe 1 - 04 (testing without DI which is not to be used to test the membrane)
Pure - Probe 2 - 03
Volume measurements, almost 1:1, slight bias to waste only really noticable over 500ml or so.
04/03 is very good, DI will easily drop that to 0...
Is TDS enough on it's own to use it or should I still be concerned?
For anyone else, usually you'd test after the membrane and after the DI, there is no point testing tap water regularly (or the waste, obviously). This is more the case for anyone installing inline units... you will then be able to measure your RO Membrane and DI units life.
Spoke to the retailer again and they seem happy with the results and the situation generally.
Waste is high, Pure is low, tap is low, pressure is v.high, soft water (assumed, will test it in time) and maybe a bit of help with recent temperature too.
Any oppinions on the different readings on the probes?
I've considered contamination on the probes and deal with it accordingly.