Watch this space. Mine will hopefully arrive tomorrow.Anyone had experince with Cryptocoryne wendtii?
What they like to grow?
Watch this space. Mine will hopefully arrive tomorrow.Anyone had experince with Cryptocoryne wendtii?
What they like to grow?
No sorry. What is your plant stocking list?![]()
Brill let me knowWatch this space. Mine will hopefully arrive tomorrow.
Well I definitely want a mixture. I was think 5-6 silvertip tetras and my Albino bristle nose pleco. Along with snails and some shrimp. Would adding a Ram in there be an over stock? And if so, what would I need to remove?![]()
Got some a couple of months ago, small number of leaves melted, slow on growing new leaves but I love the look of them. Just added root tabs to try and get them growin g.Anyone had experince with Cryptocoryne wendtii?
What they like to grow?
Going in both of the smaller (Asian) tanks. I have decided to do the same light dark zone thing as in the community tank and want something that's easy and will (hopefully) grow on the bright side of the tank.Brill let me knowwhat tank you putting it in?
Yeah I understand that's expectedGot some a couple of months ago, small number of leaves melted, slow on growing new leaves but I love the look of them.
Nice! Have you considered getting some Anacharis? They are very easy to grow, and are fairly inexpensive.Amazon sword
Amazon chain sword
Amazon frogbit
Rotala indica
Water wistera
Water sprite
Java fern
Crypocoryne wendtii
Anubis nana![]()
Ok, what if I wanted to have a ram no matter what. What other shoaling fish could I add in with him?Filtration depends upon the fishes' needs respecting water movement and to some degree "filtration" itself. Which is why I mentioned species. Here you have Silvertip Tetras which prefer a bit of current, so that would mean a filter than can provide it (not a torrent, just a bit of flow down the tank). But the ram likes quiet water, so in a 20g tank this is not going to work very well. There is also the temperature issue with the ram, at minimum 80F, and this will push the tetras a bit because being more active they prefer slightly cooler temperatures. Third issue...males (Silvertip) can be territorial and sometimes nippy, but when kept in larger groups with swimming space are not troublesome. A 20g Long is not going to provide this, with the ram present. The Silvertips on their own in a larger group could work (substrate fish are OK but no other upper level fish).
Ok, what if I wanted to have a ram no matter what. What other shoaling fish could I add in with him?
Not for this tank but i do have Anacharis in my 29g. Your dead right they grow really wellNice! Have you considered getting some Anacharis? They are very easy to grow, and are fairly inexpensive.![]()
Ok, so 1 ram, and a group of either rummy nose tetras, or Cardinal tetras?Warm water and peaceful fish...cardinal tetras, and the closely-related false or green neon (but not the true neon, much too warm). If this is a 20g long, rummynose tetras. The issue here is that all of these are lower-half residents. I would need to consult my notes for other level fish that can handle the warmth, there are some but my memory isn't what it was.
Im going to see how it goes as a bit of an experiment. Not sure i want the whole floor covering yet. With me not running Co2 i dont think it will send off too many runners tho. Not holding my breath, i had some corkscrew vallis in before what didnt do greatNice - are you planning to let the front carpet over?