RIP Satan ...


May 15, 2004
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West side of Candyland where the lollipop trees ar
I was at one of the petshops around here that sells fish as well as other animals, and when I found that they sold otocinculus I decided to get one as I had been looking for them for quite a while with no luck in finding them. They had Chinese algae eaters in the same tank as the otocinculus, and when I had the worker get one out of the tank for me he accidently picked out one of the algae eaters. It was my fault as well due to the fact that I had not checked the fish in the bag before I got home. When I called them up, they told me that they could not take it back, even with a receipt. So I was stuck with this fish.

I had no idea what I could of been getting into with him, I figured that he was completely harmless. He didn't grow one bit, but even though he could of done harm to my fish, I began to like this fish. And so his name became Satan - yes, I am a freak.

He lived for a couple of months in my 10 gallon tank, and today I noticed that his stomach had become enlarged and balloon-like. I asked in the Live Chat what it could be, but nobody could help me. I walked into my bedroom to check on my fish and frog about 10 minutes ago and he was lying on his side at the bottom of the tank. He was gone.

Having him as a fish - even though I knew about the troubles that could of come along - was not a negative experience for me, and I really did like this fish (although some people would think that I did not, the way I talked about him) and losing him was hard. He'll be forever missed.

Satan in happier times:




His final rest:


RIP Satan.
So sorry to read that Acro :-(

:rip: Satan :byebye:
Gone but not forgotten
Awww. He will be missed. :/ :rip:

I have to say that my exerience with Chinese Algae eaters has been wonderful. Mine always had great character and were always beautiful to have as part of my tank.
Some time ago i did read that its not uncommon for a SAE's to gorge themselfs with food until there stomachs burst....... horrible I know.....

I use to feed sinking pellets in my tank for my bottom feeders but found that my SAE's would attach themselves and eat the entire pellet......

Aww hun I'm so sorry. :byebye:

He was the best looking CAE ever. :nod: And I'm sure he lived a happy life with you. :)
could of been dropsy?

Sorry to hear the loss of fish. :rip:

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