Rip Quinn

Sorry For your Loss, Its horrible to loose a Cat after spending so much time with them.
Thanks Kathy, I will definately be scheduling a vet appointment for both of them. Sylvester has to go in anyways for boosters... im just worried about Cocoa, as she seems to be very elusive lately, I dont see much of her and I dont know if she is mourning Quinn's death or what. She seems to be in good health, but thats what I thought about Quinn too till that day.. it said in that site you gave me that its always nearly fatal, that scares me..
I'm so sorry Cocoa isn't coping very well with her loss :( We're going through very much similar with Grace at the moment because of Dodge being missing. She's braindamaged and blind in one eye and Dodge used to look after her - clean her, take her to the tray, etc. She's not coping well at all bless her - I think it'd help if she was more of a people cat, but she detests me (I'm the baddy who has to groom her and give her medication if she ever needs it *lol*). If you work out a way to comfort Cocoa, I'd much appreciate a heads up in case it helps Grace.

Again, I'm so very sorry about Quinn :(

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