Rip Quinn


Fish Crazy
Mar 25, 2006
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Feb. 13th, the day before Valentines day, was a devestating blow.. my 5 year old DMH Quinn died, suddenly. At 5pm I noticed she had very labored breathing, I called an Emergency vet (our offices close at 5pm so one had to be called in) I rushed her to the vet.. 5:20 the vet brought her back for X-rays.. she didnt even make it, she died on her way to the X-ray table. They did although take 70cc's of fluid from each side of her lungs, and tried 15 minutes of Oxygen Therapy/CPR, even calling vets away from a surgery, but she couldnt be revived. I rescued Quinn 5 years ago off the streets, I had 5 wonderful years with her, and she will be sorely missed. Goodbye my sweet Princess..

Quinn Lynn 2002-2007

:rip: Quinn.

What a terrible thing to happen. I hope you are feeling better soon :flowers:
:sad: So sorry for your loss Morquinn. She was a gorgeous girl. I'm sure she had a wonderful life with you.

Did they give you any idea what caused her sudden passing??

:rip: Quinn Lynn :byebye:

I am so sorry for your sudden loss. She was absolutely gorgeous and it sounds like you loved her very much. There is nothing more a pet could ask for than to be greatly loved by their owners and to give that love in return. RIP lil Quinn :byebye:
I'm so sorry for your loss :( Sleep tight Quinn :wub: :(

Was she hit by a car do you think? Or did she have heart troubles? :( I'm so very sorry, it must be devastating for you. Big hugs. :(
Sorry to here that,
Its always sad to lose a pet, they are just like a mini member of the family. Hope you feel better soon :flowers:
So sorry must of been awful.
R.I.P. Quinn.
The vet told me it could've been Cancer, Heart Disease, or an infection... it was very sudden, the day before she was acting just fine! The vet asked me like 5 times if there could've been any trauma, I couldnt recall anything, she is soley an indoor cat, she does fall off the tv and stuff when sleeping, but I didnt think that would do it. I decided against an autopsy, as that 15 minutes at the vet cost me $300, and I was too afraid to hear that it was something that could've been prevented, I probably couldnt forgive myself. Thanks for all the kind words, it was very devestating, as all 3 of my cats are rescues, and this is something you dont expect to happen when you save an animal off the streets.
I'm so sorry for your loss, she looked a beautiful cat, obviously very well loved and cared for, so in that way she was very fortunate.
One of mine was run over last week, so i know exactly how you're feeling, not that its any consolation.
The vet told me it could've been Cancer, Heart Disease, or an infection... it was very sudden, the day before she was acting just fine! The vet asked me like 5 times if there could've been any trauma, I couldnt recall anything, she is soley an indoor cat, she does fall off the tv and stuff when sleeping, but I didnt think that would do it. I decided against an autopsy, as that 15 minutes at the vet cost me $300, and I was too afraid to hear that it was something that could've been prevented, I probably couldnt forgive myself. Thanks for all the kind words, it was very devestating, as all 3 of my cats are rescues, and this is something you dont expect to happen when you save an animal off the streets.

I'm so very sorry :( I completely agree with you that it probably wasn't a trauma considering she's an indoor cat. Fluid on the lungs is common in RTAs, which is why I asked, I'm so sorry to have upset you further. One thing I would consider though is if it is an infection (such as FIP) it would be handy to know for the safety of your other cats. Did the vet check her for other signs of FIP?

Our thoughts are with you, one of our cats is currently lost (he's an indoor cat too) and I can only begin to imagine your grief. :(
Big hugs to you :flowers: . That must have been a huge shock being so sudden. We lost our cat last year very suddenly too so I understand how you must be feeling. It doesn't matter what anyone else says, pets of all shapes and sizes are one of the family and it's terrible when you lose them. At least you can take some comfort in the fact that you rescued her and gave her a better like than was originally destined for her.

She was a beautiful pussy cat :rip: :byebye:
Sorry im not good on abbreviations for feline illness/diseases, what is FIP?? By the way, both Morgan and Quinn (Morgan is another cat of mine that died from liver failure when she was only 5 years old as well, about 2 years ago) im taking in kitten pictures of both of them, and getting them tattoo'ed on me. I know it may sound silly, but they have both touched my life in ways I couldnt explain, and I think it would never get old to see them in ink on my skin. Im doing them as kittens because, I believe, like humans, they go to the rainbow bridge or what have you as young spirits, even though they were young, im sure they are prancing around like kittens!
I found this link on FIP for you (Feline Infectious Peritonitis):

I'm sure the vet would've said something if he suspected it could've been that though, so don't panic.

I love the tattoo idea, I have 4 myself but not of my pets. When Ruby (my Boxer who I had a bond with much like you had with Quinn), a friend painted a beautiful portrait of her. 2 and a half years on I still can't bring myself to hang it up though, but your post has encouraged me to find that special spot for it.

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