Feb. 13th, the day before Valentines day, was a devestating blow.. my 5 year old DMH Quinn died, suddenly. At 5pm I noticed she had very labored breathing, I called an Emergency vet (our offices close at 5pm so one had to be called in) I rushed her to the vet.. 5:20 the vet brought her back for X-rays.. she didnt even make it, she died on her way to the X-ray table. They did although take 70cc's of fluid from each side of her lungs, and tried 15 minutes of Oxygen Therapy/CPR, even calling vets away from a surgery, but she couldnt be revived. I rescued Quinn 5 years ago off the streets, I had 5 wonderful years with her, and she will be sorely missed. Goodbye my sweet Princess..
Quinn Lynn 2002-2007
Quinn Lynn 2002-2007