Rip Prince


Fish Addict
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
North Wales
This afternoon my Royal Gramma "Prince" finally gave up his fight after a vicious assault by my Maroon Clown "Chico"

:rip: Prince :-(
Sorry to hear that.
Maroons can be real nasty when they want to.

Hope next week starts on a better footing for you.
sorry to hear that
so what are you planning to do with ur clown? or do u think that was a 1 off? or...
Chico is normally a little sweetie and has lived with Prince for 8mths ish. She only turned nasty after I moved things around so I guess she was just re-stating her territory. She also made it quite clear she didn't like where I'd put one of my sun corals by repeatedly knocking it off it's perch.
its probably just making new terriorty as u moved the tank around so yup ur right :p
Maron clowns are my favorite of all clowns but they are among the most aggressive too. Sadly your clown may well get more pugnatious as it grows. I rally hope imwrong but do keep an eye on it.
She is becoming more naughty by the day. She terrorises my damsel and picks on the goby. Luckily she leaves my cowfish alone or I would have a serious problem.

She won't let the goby go near her hidey hole which to be fair the goby doesn't go there often anyway. She does chase the damsel ALOT but he's happy and can fit in much smaller holes than her. We're sure he teases her :lol:

However if I do see her bother the cowfish she's out :sly:
That's unusual, I've never heard of a Maroon actually killing another fish, especially a tough customer like a Gramma. Sorry for your loss. :rip:

Maroons are my favourite Clownfish, too; they can also reach staggering proportions for an anemone fish, with the largest Maroon recorded being 8''.

Well Chico didn't kill Prince straight out. She systematically hunted him down and picked on him for a few days leaving him bruised and battered. He then stopped feeding and became weaker and so she picked on him even more. I tried to net them both but they were just too quick.

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