Rip My Baby Boy


Aug 8, 2005
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After a few days of being pretty sick, my baby boy died overnight. May he rest in peace forever. He had a great life but just after moving to a big tank he got swimbladder and we fixed it but now he was just sick. Not sure what caused it. He left behind a beautiful copper gas girl and a gorgeous copper black girl who would have been mommies. It' going to be hard to find another like him. It's extremely hard, I've never lost a betta before and I don't understand why it had to be him.
Rest in Peace my little one. He was only 5 months too :-( :-( :-( :-(
:-( I'm so sorry for you loss. We recently lost our youngest boy to a nasty virus (In my siggy). Nothing we did helped or saved him. Was a very sad loss and he never became a Dad either. :sad:
Sorry to hear about your little guy! I know how excited you were to breed him, he was gorgeous. Atleast it wasn't a wide spread disease and you've still got your pretty females.
thanks so much guys, it sucks, I didn't even have any babies from him, makes me want to cry. My black copper girl actually isn't very impressed either, she's stressed and I've moved her to a big tank and she didn't like it there, now she's back in the 1 gal but I don't know she's not very lively. If I lose her too I'm going to shooot myself.
Bless him sorry, R.I.P.
Thanks guys, it's aweful not to have him stuck to the wall of the tank staring at me typing on the laptop. I loved him before I even bought him, I kept looking at his picture over and over and over. Gahh makes me upset to think about it. :-( At least he's in betta heaven, I feel so bad he had such a short life :(
Sorry :sad: Its hard to replace bettas when you want them to be exactly alike...
Gah, not your marble! Liv I'm so sorry to hear that :-( I know how much he meant to you even before you bought him; you were so thrilled with him, and rightly so. He was just gorgeous *huggles*

Out of curiosity, what symptoms did he display before he went? Brutus started acting a little funny just yesterday too, a little sluggish and pale, seemingly out of nowhere. I'm keeping a close eye on both him and Nero now, since after that crazy outbreak of dropsy I had with the last 'batch' I bought I'm especially nervous of problems that crop up in one fish of a shipment.
Thanks guys, it's still so hard not to have him around :(
Andie I know eh, I was just soo excited. He didn't show a lot of anything, sluggish and pale, he was constipated last week but I don't know if it was something internal but I fed him peas and he was fine for the weekend and when I came back I fed him again and bam he got sluggish and a bit pale, and I just knew he was going to go cause he barely came up for air. I didn't want to think that way but when I got up yesterday morning I just had that feeling and I went to look and he was gone. Hope it works out for you Andie. My girls are doing really well, I really don't have any idea what it could have been..

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