Rio 180 Stocking Ideas


Fish Fanatic
Dec 12, 2006
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Hi, i'm about just starting to stock my rio 180, back to trops after a stint in the marine world!

I'm after a mix of a large number of tetra, maybe a gourami, pair of blue rams, bristlenose and some corys......

Any views on this idea?

I want a nice looking gourami that gets to around 4/6 inch when adult, what would be best?

Avoid the blue rams and go for bolivans blues need much higher temperatures than other fish. With the gourami go for pearls IMO peaceful and graceful could do a pair of Bolivan Rams and a pair of Pearls no probs IMO tetras upto you all apart from fin nippers like blues or serpaes. Also as for the BN is that out of preference or because you want a small plec? More and more L number plecs are becoming available now at lower prices so I wouldnt rule them out but if you like the BN look go for it :good:

I totally know what you mean about marine I had to sell a 20g because it was just costing me an insane amount of money in a matter of weeks..... And to be honest I didnt get much more out of it than my FW tank gives me if anything I enjoyed it less... But I think thats cause of the money things :lol:
I'm after a mix of a large number of tetra, maybe a gourami, pair of blue rams, bristlenose and some corys......

That is pretty much what I had to start with in my 125Ltr tank. I had 3 serpae tetras, 1 x gold & 1 x blue gourami, 1 male bristlenose and 2 x Kribensis.

Depending on how long your setup has been going I might switch you rams to something a little more hardy, that's why I went for Kribs.

I was lucky with the gourami as I had 2 males which got on very well and are still together in a friends setup. These can be a nightmare in pairs unless you are lucky so would stick to only one. Any of the gourami would be perfect besides kissing which can get quite large from what I've heard.

I still have kribs but have swapped the Gourami for more serpae tetras and a trio of black widow tetras and some oto's

There isn't really an answer to stocking questions, it is really personal choice and keeping the stocking levels under control
Thanks Wills, good advice, i'll check the Ls out!

Pair of pearls sounds good, maye get some rummynose tetras etc.... black neons....

Ye i've heard about the blue rams, Bolivians possibly the way forward then, they just look a bit plain to me lol

Marine, far to expensive for me, i had an aquamedic chromis, approx 30g, don't miss it tbh!

Thanks Kevin, i've heard the kribs can be quite aggressive? Have you had any problems?
Thanks Kevin, i've heard the kribs can be quite aggressive? Have you had any problems?

None whatsoever. Got a male and female pair and they leave everyone else alone. They are roughly 5 months old and have really coloured up

I would also recommend Apistogramma, in pretty much any form. I kept Apistogramma Cacatouides (double red) and they are gorgeous. I ony changed as I give them to a friend who took a liking to them.

(edit) check out Spike on my profile pic (daughter named him)

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