Rimless C. Miniopinna Betta Tank

Also the api-api bettas will be moving upstairs to the 6 gallon and I will be collecting the tetra and rehoming them to either the 20 long woodcat/tire track eel grow up tank or the 20 long pangio tank.
Nice video your basement is coming really nice!
Nice video your basement is coming really nice!
Thank you my basement is a never-ending mess. Every time I straighten it up it quickly reverts back to its old chaotic state. I'm surprised at how little time I have working 40 hours a week and then trying to squeeze in the rest of my life during the 2 day weekend I have off.

I am hoping one day I will get everything straightened up. Anyone who has kept tanks over a while and has multiple tanks can a test to the fact that you tend to amass a lot of what I call "still good to use and not cost efficient to throw away" stuff that you could use in the future just in case something happens to some of the equipment on your other tanks I'm talking about filters lights heaters airline tubing filter media I think I still have a tub full of my old carbon dioxide dry fertilizers from when I had my 75 gallon setup many many years ago. When I moved from that house to another house I didn't set up my carbon dioxide just because I didn't have time and then COVID hit and now it's next to impossible to find anyone in my area who will refill carbon dioxide tanks so I have given up on that idea of having a tank like that again. To be perfectly honest right now I wouldn't have time to constantly care for it and fertilize it. I'm glad the fish can go a couple days without eating because sometimes I cannot get down there every night.
Spent last night doing a little break down in the basement. Moved all the bettas out of the 5 gallon tanks. Original plan was to take them all to Fish Planet but I couldn't do it, lol.

So I moved them around and the api- api wound up in the 6.gallon after I (tried) to catch all of the tetra in there. I had some green neons and other tetra of a similar size that I don't remember their name. It wasn't easy and I thought I got them all, but missed a single green neon. I have three Chery rasbora that I left in and my hoard of orange tiger shrimp.

Did this all after work and was up till 11:55 pm. Not fun but glad it's done.

Check out my other journal to see what happened to the other Betta.

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