Rhino..what's in a name


Hug a mod Nano Reef Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Dec 27, 2004
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Long Island, NY
Hi...I just purchased two 'rhino' corydoras for my tank. Anyone know the real classification name? Thanks. Frank
I searched fishprofiles.com and found nothing. Are you sure they're cories? No rhino plecos? :dunno:
Hi..thanks. I don't have a pic but it's definitely not a pleco. They are greyish in color, typical cory's in appearance with two vertical black bands, almost like a clown loach's black bands. I'll try and take a pic. Thanks to all again. Frank
well im sorry to everyone who likjes panda cories but my best advice to anyone with those fish is to take them back. They are so delicate and mine died for no reason.
Fishy411 said:
well im sorry to everyone who likjes panda cories but my best advice to anyone with those fish is to take them back. They are so delicate and mine died for no reason.
Could have been they were in bad shape before you had them? I've never had a problem with them.
Nope, No problem with mine either. A few people on here have said this about them. I don't understand. Surely they are just the same as most other Fish, and most likely to be Tank conditions that kill them?
i know it wasnt tank conditions. My levels were all at 0. I had neon tetras so wouldnt they die first if there were bad water conditions? One got swim bladder and died and the other died the next day. I like the looks of these cories and may try to keep some again.

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