Returning fish keeper.

Your silver fish with the black line down it is a Penguin Tetra...and I can't make out the fish @Rocky998 is referring to.

(And welcome, by the way).
The one im talking about isnt on the first picture... its behind a few plants and a little blurry
Penguin tetras must be a very hardy fish then. When I went to purchase the tank it was half full with a slim filter that was barely touching the water. The filter would occasionally make a gurgling sound and spit out a few seconds of water which dropped 6 inches before it hit the water. The water looked like it hadn't been changed for several months. Poor fish must have thought it was their birthday once I had the tank home.
Penguin tetras must be a very hardy fish then. When I went to purchase the tank it was half full with a slim filter that was barely touching the water. The filter would occasionally make a gurgling sound and spit out a few seconds of water which dropped 6 inches before it hit the water. The water looked like it hadn't been changed for several months. Poor fish must have thought it was their birthday once I had the tank home.
wow... thats horrible!!
The one im talking about isnt on the first picture... its behind a few plants and a little blurry
Penguin tetras must be a very hardy fish then. When I went to purchase the tank it was half full with a slim filter that was barely touching the water. The filter would occasionally make a gurgling sound and spit out a few seconds of water which dropped 6 inches before it hit the water. The water looked like it hadn't been changed for several months. Poor fish must have thought it was their birthday once I had the tank home.
I believe that the 'Tiger Barbs' are actually 5-Banded Barbs...far less troublesome than Tigers.
Ah, I see you are talking about the tiger barbs. There are 3 in the tank, 2 large and 1 baby.
Not the ones in this tank... I mean the ones in the bright tabk
These ones? I think they are mollies or platties of some description.


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It's what I know as a tiger barb but I may be corrected, the part just below the barb that could look like an out of focus fish is actually a large air bubble just above the blade of grass.
Oh ok... So I was right! It is a tiger barb

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