Retrieving Emails From A Dead Computer


Fish Guru
Jan 26, 2008
Reaction score
Perth, WA
Just wondering if there is any way of recovering emails from Outlook Express (on Windows XP Professional) after the computer dies?

I have connected the original hard drive to another computer, (as a slave drive) and can get my pics, movies, and games off it but am unable to access any emails. I gather this is because the computer I am now using also has Windows XP on it and it is using its own copy of Outlook Express and this is preventing me be able to get to the emails from the original drive.

edited to add I am also trying to get my address book off the same drive.

Any help with this issue would be appreciated :)
It's been so long since i last used outlook express, I'm not sure where the mail is located...

Try searching for a *.pst file which is more than likely the file extension of the file you're looking for, if you find it then you'll need to import it into outlook or whatever mail program you're now using.
Try the following location first though

c:\documents and settings\user name(ie yours)\local settings\application data\microsoft\outlook and see if there are any .pst files in there.

Depending on how you browse to that path you may need to display hidden files and folders.
yep the location bit works :)
I found it in E:\ Documents and Settings\ User Name (ie yours)\ Local Settings\ Application Data\ Identities\ {1AE2C85E-5B6D-4C46-9FB9-1B1084B6DEEB}\ Microsoft\ Outlook Express.
However the files are dbx not pst and I did have to turn on the hidden files and folders.

I also found my address book. It was at E:\ Documents & Settings\ User Name\ Application Data\ Microsoft\ Address Book.
Then I copied the wab files from the old drive to the new one.

Thank you for your help :)

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