Retired Mods & Forums Led By Them


Cheer up, the worst is yet to come. ~ P. Johnson
Jul 31, 2004
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The Netherlands/UK
Am I right in thinking that when a forum section has mods appointed to it, when a post gets reported this specific mod is the only one to receive the complaint?

If this is the case, the picture sections of tff would have a dead end receiving the complaints as gadazobe is now a retired mod but according to the forum main page still leading 'Non Fish Photographs' and 'Member's Aquarium and Fish Pictures'. If the reported posts get sent to all moderators that obviously it isn't a problem =)

Reading over it again I'm not sure if it's clear what I mean =/

Forum Section in Question: Bettas
Forum Led by: gadazobe, wuvmybetta
There's a post in there made by a spammer (now don't all go looking, it's and example, remember ;)) and rather than PMing a mod I decide to use the 'report' button. Will this report get send out to all the moderators on the forum, or only to those 2 that are appointed to the betta section? So gadazobe & wuvmybetta. If it's the latter, gadazobe is now a retired mod and hasn't been online for a year so wuvmybetta would be the only one to receive the complaint.

If this is the case then some of the forums that were led by gadazobe only (the photo sections) would never actually get anything done to the reported posts as none of the other mods would find out about it. Ofcourse, if all mods receive every reported post then you can just ignore me!
when anyone hits the report button every mod receives it. whoever is on at the time usually takes the call and deals with it. if its something that someone isnt sure about it might be left for a bit and another mod will do it, and if its something important its discussed in the mod section.

so if you see any spam or anyone acting a bit of an ass then tell us.
Ah, good =D Thanks Black Angel! In the future I'll now know the report button does get through and I won't bother mods in PM unless necessary =) It was nothing urgent, hence the question rather than PM.
This is an extract of a PM I received from a mod after using the report button.

I do not know if this is the way InVision PowerBoard always works, or is a setting that Will has control over, but, when you press "Report" here, an e-mail goes to the mods designated as responsible for the board. If there are no designated mods, it goes to all mods and admins. Since TCC has designated mods, reporting a post 1,000 times a day will not attract my attention. You have assumed it would, in that, you are incorrect.

Which seems to contradict what Black Angel is saying, as there are designated mods to most if not all sub forums, unless of course this has been changed.

I do know the report button works sometimes, I have used it a few times, occasionally I even get a response from William if he's dealt with it. But it hasn't always worked hence the "conversation" that the above extract is taken from.

Just to clarify - when a post is reported - every Mod receives a PM. The section Arfie is referring to is regarding an email alert, not a PM. TBH - i'm not sure if the email bit works/ever worked but the PM is the important bit, which we all get, regardless of where the thread/post being reported is situated. :good:
thansk for the clarification Ferris.

what is the purpose of having forum's 'led by' one of the mods then? Don't mean to be rude but tbh it doesn't seem like there is one, as far as I'm aware none of the new mods appointed in the last 6-12 months have been allocated to any specific forums so are you not appointing people to forum's anymore. And if you're not gonna appoint people to forum's then why have the old appointments on?

Why not tidy it up and either clear them all off or replace them with active mods?
Just to clarify - when a post is reported - every Mod receives a PM. The section Arfie is referring to is regarding an email alert, not a PM. TBH - i'm not sure if the email bit works/ever worked but the PM is the important bit, which we all get, regardless of where the thread/post being reported is situated. :good:

Just to clarify, I wasn't referring to anything, that quote was from a mod. That mod was claiming that "report" only goes to the mods assigned to a section and that if I wanted any action I would be better looking to see which mod was online and PM them directly. Maybe the system has changed since that PM or maybe the mod was just talking garbage.

I'm not certain exactly how it works but I do know that I didn't get the PM rthis morning eporting the thread in BSS selling bikes. I have received them for reports in that forum before though.
Just to clarify - when a post is reported - every Mod receives a PM. The section Arfie is referring to is regarding an email alert, not a PM. TBH - i'm not sure if the email bit works/ever worked but the PM is the important bit, which we all get, regardless of where the thread/post being reported is situated. :good:

Just to clarify, I wasn't referring to anything, that quote was from a mod. That mod was claiming that "report" only goes to the mods assigned to a section and that if I wanted any action I would be better looking to see which mod was online and PM them directly. Maybe the system has changed since that PM or maybe the mod was just talking garbage.


I don't think i worded that very well Arfie - sorry. I know the quote was from a mod - the only point i was trying to make (apparently badly :lol: ) is that there are 2 separate issues - All mods get PM's when a post is reported but mods overseeing sections get an email if the reported post is in their section. I'm pretty sure the email part doesn't work and i don't really see the point - IMO the PM is just fine.

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