

Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales
after my recent tank disaasters I've decided to start retocking my tank in the near future (since it's 90% back to normal now, nitrite still a little high but I have another water change to do this week to get it down to 0 again).

It's a 21.5UKG (approx 25-26 US Gallons) and currently holds -
- 5 platies (and a few fry)
- 2 kuhlii loaches [Freddy & Jason] *
- 1 GORGEOUS male betta [Steve]
- 4 Schwartz Corydoras Catfish

* one of these guys has been missing for well over a month now so I'm thinking he may have been sucked up while cleaning, died or he's still hiding out in the substrate.

I would like to get another pleco since mine died during the disaster and I've got one in mind thanks to Cheese Specialist :D. For those interested its L134 and should grow approx 4.5 inches.

I previously had a gang of black phantom tetras in the tank but (no offense to them) despite being pretty I found them rather boring. I dislike tetras in general and I would like something different to replace them. I'm tempted to get another eel of some type (but NOT from the place I got the last 2 from :angry:) but I am open to other options. I would like to have something a little more unusual (hence why I'm leaning towards eels) but I would also like to have a little group of ottos as well.

I don't want to get anything nippy, that may cause any problems in my tank (eg: major aggresion) or anything too..zippy (such as zebra danios).

Any suggestions?
Maybe some dwarf neon rainbows. Beautifull shoaling fish. :wub:

I'm currently on a dwarf cichlid kick. I love them. I just bought the last keyhole cichlid at a lfs. He is so cool. I've read that they are some of the most peacefull dwarfs. You might want to ask about them in the new world sec. :dunno:
Hey :)

Glad to hear you are thinking about new fish. I don't know about the eel to be honest. Even the smallest ones get to a foot.

For shoaling midwaterfish neon rainbows would be cool, maybe something like glass catfish would be a little different.
I was actually flicking through my fish book earlier and I took a fancy to rainbow fish AND glass catfish (oh the joys of FINALLY having a fish book!!!!). They're both such nifty little fish :)

I've been having doubts about eels as well, I was told that they'd be ok in my tank... but this is from the place that caused me a stupid amount of problems so I trust you guys here a heck of a lot more :D

I'll carry on taking suggestions and I'll post a little list over the weekend of what I think I'll end up getting :D
i just set up a 55 gallon im cycling with 7 zebra dianos + 5 white clouds these white clouds are realy cool love to play in the bubbles (i have 2 bubble strips buired) also 2 peng. 330s lots of flow, they kida look like trout try um!!!!
Recently, I bought a beautiful black swordtail with long yellow fins resembling a lyretail molly. In fact, it could have been some sort of lyretail molly, except is was in a tank labeled swordfish. Unfortunately, I don't remember the name, but he is beautiful. Very unusual and interesting to me. :D
harried mom: sounds like a really nice fish :) I've got enough livebearers at the moment though :p

henry: I love gouramis only I have a Betta in the tank so I can't get them.

well, I went to the lfs yesterday. Didn't come home with fish though since they had loads of non-fish goodies (books, filter pads etc) on offer so I stocked up. I did take a peek in the community room though and I was shocked to see that they actually have neon dwarf rainbows in for once... and they've had a huuuuge plec delivery. Each tank had at least 2 in and some of the tanks were plec only. They had a tank full of King tiger plecs and my heart melted :wub: if they don't get the plec I'm after online in stock soon I think I might pic up a King Tiger instead (since I adore them so much).

so it looks like I'll be getting the rainbows :wub: and possibly a plec from them.
I'm just wondering now with rainbow fish - what's a good m/f ratio for them? I read 3f to 2m... but that just didn't seem right to me for some reason.
There an offer with them (3 for £10) so i'll be getting 3 at least.

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