Restocking Tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 3, 2003
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Hi at the moment I have a 70 lite (14 gal) tropical tank. In it I have the following: 2 Guppies (not quite fully grown)
1 Sucking Cat (I have suspicions that its a flying fox :/
4 neons
2 sunset pandas (not fully grown)
1 head light
1 tail light

all these fish are small, with the exception of the sucking, I think he is bullying them :unsure:

I am going to take the sucking cat back (if they take him back)
And I was thinking of maybe getting some more colourful community fish.
also my tank is pretty boring does anyone know a internet shop where you can buy cheap ornaments (those old castle things they sell for ridiculous prices). any ideas would be much appreciated.

all the best

cant help you on the fish, but for making it look better go and find some nice rocks and boil them up and then put them in. its real cheap to that, I figure with the energy to heat and hte water used it cant cost more then a couple cents.
hi henry. as far as the fish go i like the african cichlids they come in an array of dazzling colors and are entertaining to watch. you can put catfish and plecos with them and they will get along. As far as decorations depending on what color gravel you have you could try colored aluminum foil sold at crafdt stores and use it as a background it not only reflects the light but accentuates anything you may have in the tank. I am also a fan of clay flower pots i think they look cool and offers a place of refuge for the fish
hope this helps
Pete :cool: :rofl:

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