Restocking after illnes


New Member
Apr 10, 2024
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I have a 115l tank that currently houses 5 guppies and a molly. 3 weeks ago I had an outbreak of what I assume was saddleback disease and lost 3 guppies to it. A molly died too, but showed no visual signs of saddleback, so I think she might’ve passed from stress, as the male molly was chasing her a lot. Once the fish got sick, I separated them into a quarantine tank, but I treated both tanks for saddleback disease with Sera baktopur. The fish with symptoms all passed but the remaining 6 are in good shape with no symptoms and are active and eating. How long should I wait before adding new fish to the tank? It’s been 3 weeks since the fish got sick and we’re separated.

I have a 115l tank that currently houses 5 guppies and a molly. 3 weeks ago I had an outbreak of what I assume was saddleback disease and lost 3 guppies to it. A molly died too, but showed no visual signs of saddleback, so I think she might’ve passed from stress, as the male molly was chasing her a lot. Once the fish got sick, I separated them into a quarantine tank, but I treated both tanks for saddleback disease with Sera baktopur. The fish with symptoms all passed but the remaining 6 are in good shape with no symptoms and are active and eating. How long should I wait before adding new fish to the tank? It’s been 3 weeks since the fish got sick and we’re separated.
I know a few months back my tank had an ammonia outbreak and all my bichir died , what seemed to work for me was cleaning it very good we used bleach. Make sure rinsed it all out very very well. Then let it sit for a week straight dry. Then got all new substrate and decor/plants. And once we added fish we added a bottle of tss+ (mainly cause im scared that’ll happen again) but my tanks been going for a little while now no issues (this was doing a fish in cycle mostly , it was empty for a few days till my other fish got here )
Would it be necessary to clean out and bleach the tank entirely? Wouldn’t that stress out the remaining fish, as this would also break the cycle?
If after 3 weeks of treatment, the Flavobacterium has not shown any other sign of returning.

You can be reasonably confident the infection is gone. The bacteria responsible for saddleback disease typically replicates quite fast. If there were any lingering bacteria after treatment, they likely would have shown signs of re-growth within 3 weeks.
I forgot to add that Sera baktopur will impair beneficial bacteria depending on the strength and duration of treatment.

So keep your ammonia, nitrite in check.
I forgot to add that Sera baktopur will impair beneficial bacteria depending on the strength and duration of treatment.

So keep your ammonia, nitrite in check.
The k you for your advice! I did only one round of treatment 3 weeks ago, but no sign of illness since then, so I assume your answer still applies :)

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