The maintenance plan is worked out fine, but I understand your concern. The problems were caused by things that could not be controlled. I'm fairly certain my White Clouds were doomed from the start as I got them from a major chain store that went out of business and had all of their fish on sale (Buy one, get one free). The other molly that died was older when I got him. The ick breakout was caused by the first waterchange they did when they didn't check the temperature of the water they were adding, and they recognized it for what it was and treated it as soon as they could. Basically all dumb little things. They know what they're doing now for the most part with the maintenance.
As my family knew that the tank was mine, they didn't want to restock it while I was away because the last time they tried, I came home to a silver shark and a bunch of other fish that would DEFINITELY not work in that tank. We haven't had a fish death since November (with the exception of the white clouds, as regardless of what we did for them, they continued to waste away to nothing and die despite eating heartily).
I just don't like that the tank looks so empty. Nothing in it grabs your attention anymore. I'm home for a 10-day period in February, a weekend in March, and a weekend in April, and then I'm done school at the end of April. Everytime I'm home, I test my water and clean the tank thoroughly, but my water stats have always been normal.
I would go with
1 pair of apistogramma
10 neons
7 panda corys
I've been looking at pictures of the Apistogramma. Any idea what price range I'd be looking at for them?