Restarting Tank After 8 Years - Journal

Day 21. Identical results as 2 days prior, added Dose 3 (4ml) as ammonia reading zero on second consecutive test.
Nitrate not moved. KH 5. GH 8. pH 8, maybe even 8.1? The pH seems to have risen, bit confused thought the extra piece of sandstone added the other day would drop it?
Regardless it's good. Will populate tank with more of the sandstone and see how it goes. Hoping to be cycled (it's my guess) by Day 37. But what will be, will be........
Narrowing down my list of Mbuna. Thinking to go with 8x Juveniles of 6 species and most probably going to order online with tonysafricancichlids. 
Day 24.
Results yesterday were identical. Juwel T5 light system arrived today, to replace broken set. Tank needs a good clean, inside, out & the sand.
Well happy with the visuals tho' 
Tank lights.jpg
Day 25.
Ammonia 0, Nitrite >5, Nitrate 10-20, KH 5, GH 8, pH8.0 or more. 
Put more rock in the tank see if it changes water parameters. Here's how it's looking.......
Looking good :nod:
Nitrite takes an age before you see any comedown in the numbers but once it does, things start to happen pretty quickly :)
Onwards from day 25 thru until day 32 - Readings not moved. More rock added last few days, KH GH pH all same and also Nitrite not moved  still >5ppm.
Day 34 - Nitrite is still >5ppm but it's dropping as not dark after a min or two. 
Ordered 2 wave machines and a new heater ready for the Mbuna who shall be arriving shortly.
Day 35 - Checked readings this morning. Ammonia & Nitrite both zero, yippee! Added full dose of Ammonia (12ml). If they are both zero in the morning we are cycled. 
Concerned about GH8 & KH5 if it's high enough for Mbuna? pH is steadily at 8, or above.
Day 36 - 24hrs later. Ammonia 2. Nitrite 0.25. 
Day 37 - Ammonia & Nitrite both zero. Added another full dose of Ammonia.
Day 38 - Ammonia & Nitrite both zero. so cycled! However tested after 27hrs due to not being at home!! Confident we are cycled but considering fully dosing again to make sure 100%? Advise gladly accepted.
Not quite ready to get the Mbuna ordered as contemplating how and if to raise the KH & GH. Using 20L of tap water have calculated how much baking soda I would need to add (5ml to 20L) to increase KH to 13. Considering a bag of crushed coral in the filter?
Fish soon, now to aqua-scape the Rhondda rock.
Day 39 - Dosed again yesterday, just to make sure and WE ARE CYCLED! Will be calling Tony tomorrow.
Bought some rock from the LFS to complement what we already have. Will post photos soon of the 10 kilo we purchased compared to what we got from the Rhondda Valley for free.
Nice one and always a great feeling when the cycle is completed successfully.
Congratulations :)
I hated the wait myself.  But, congrats on the cycle!  cant wait to see the fish!
Thanks for the congratulations, the wait is almost over
Day 41 - Added 1/3 of Ammonia (4ml) just to feed the bacteria at 07:00, zero'd by 18:40. Carried out a 50% water change, to reduce the Nitrate and freshen the tank, see if the KH and GH settle to how it was at the start of the cycle. Will do another big water change tomorrow.
Ordered fish online today for delivery on the morning of Day 43, all juveniles:
8 Labidochromis Yellow Labs.
8 Pseudotropheus socolfi Albino.
8 Pseudotropheus Ndumbi Super Red Top.
8 Labeotropheus Trewavase Mphanga.
8 Metriaclima Zebra Long Pelvic.
12 Pseudotropheus Demasoni.
Here's how the tank looks now.......
Tank with rock.jpg
Six weeks and 1 day after the first dose of ammonia, the tank is now populated with 52 juvenile Mbuna 
The cycle went like a dream 
. Would like to say a big thanks to all the contributors of this site and those who have offered individual advice.
Will post photos soon once all is settled. Now I need to get back to work!
Looking forward to the future updates. :good:
It's going to have to be a brand new journal, the fish are so epic!

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