respect the dead

thats a good point about why you dont do things like that in your part of the world. its something the rest of the world detests about the USA.

USA and world pollution is disgusting.

the US alone accounts for 40% of worldwide greenhouse emissions ,the US contains 4% of the world's population but produces about 29% of all carbon dioxide emissions, Britain emits 3% - about the same as India which has 15 times as many people yet Bush still states that he will not go with such protocols if they harm American economy.

Is this fair on the rest of the world? This affects the whole world not just the USA.

The U.K has a long way to go too but we should all take a leaf out of germany's book. The pollution coming from the USA is diabloical by any standard. Or is it not known to be a big issue in the States like it is in Europe? I have no idea..

sorry a bit off topic but still interesting
yet Bush still states that he will not go with such protocols if they harm American economy.

Unfortunately. CO2 is terrible pollutant and somehow Bush has developed scientific abilities to tell that CO2 doesn't affect on global warming.

Tha main reason is still market and economy. If they need to reduce CO2 level, it means, that price of their products will increase at the same level as european products. Main concern is loosing then their market areas because now their products are cheap and thus they have large, good market areas. It wouldn't be very good advertise to next election, if people need to pay more money when buying products either. Or like in usa there are lots of cars, and if they raised price of gas.. No, no... Not good for election.

silver said:
what the HECK is a Bio-garbage

CFC said:
Bio garbage is anything that is bio degradable ie vedgetable and fruit peels, bones and left over foods.

Yep, it's a garbage where you put only "biomass". Good for envinronment! :nod:

and some even go as far as to make you seperate the non bio degradable stuff into its own catagories for recycling, ie tins, plastics and glass.

:nod: :nod: :nod: (However, it's not required (yet) here.) But doing small things, you save nature!
Well.....sheesh....I feel SOOOOOO much better now Kribs Mate!!!.....


It's gonna take me a while to get use to the way you talk! ;)

YES we do recycle pop cans, plastics, cardboard and glass!!

But bio-garbage isn't really popular if at all :dunno: It would be very nice though!!!

As far as the economy......

It is really bad here. Many of my friends, family and my husband have been wondering about the security of their jobs for a while. My husband's boss is selling his excavating company so he will have to find a new job. Took him 4 weeks to find that one that payed $11 dollars an hour. Woopty doo, for a 1-income family??? It's gastly!!! This proved to him that he MUST go back and get his GED and go to college to become something better than he was. He did, and now is in his second quarter at communtiy college going for an AAS degree in Natural Resources.....<<<Hey, that sentence sort of touched on topic, eh?? ;) We get grants through federal funding and it helps tremendously!

Anyhow, it is a very real and sad problem. We suffered greatly this past winter with very little income. I hope things change........and no it isn't Bush's fault either. September 11 is REALLY to blame, trust me, I live here I know. After that very day many things changed in this country. It was a very sad and hard time for eveyone here. We are all still bitter and pissed that this happened when we have helped so many :-(

we call them compost heaps here. our lawn clippings and the like.

didnt see the link at first found it.

Come to the south, we have jobs like crazy in Alabama alone the past 6 years we have opened a mercedes plant, Honda plant, Kia and one more I cant think of and there are openings everywehre for spin off companies making parts for them. I know Tennesee and Mississippi has opened a few auto plants. Believe it or not we have quite a few software companies thriving and hurting for people(I know we are looking for someone with HS education and some computer experiance) I know off topic, sorry.
It's gonna take me a while to get use to the way you talk!

sorry about that. i just speak my mind and things that i feel strongly about i may sometimes come across as being a little harsh (or so i am told) sorry if i do..its not intentionable ;)

It was a very sad and hard time for eveyone here. We are all still bitter and pissed that this happened when we have helped so many

i know you help a lot.. but the USA claims to be the worlds biggest giver and THIS IS TRUE ... BUT in proportion of its wealth the USA gives least when compared to all 22 of the worlds most developed countries

i'm pretty much into american politics but i best not get carried away. afterall it is a fish forum. ;)
:fish: To drag this back on topic, I bury my dead fish in a large bucket with a huge plant in it, neighbours always comment on it's health and growth. :D It doesn't get many dead fish lately but water from your water changes do the same thing and as for the water that you've cleaned your filter in, they go ballistic. :D
Personally I don't think it matters what you do with the fish as long as you have some sort of ceremony/moment of silence/respectful words, etc. I flushed a beloved swordtail the other month, and I said a few kind words before the act. The ground was still too hard to dig and I didn't really think about the garbage (and the good old USA won't have bio recycling for another millenium), but I wouldn't have wanted to see the fish after throwing it in the trash can. And I seriously don't think the trash is any better than the toilet.

When I die, I could care less what happens to my body. Graveyards are a tremendous waste of space and money anyway. If there was a way to flush me, then I'd have no qualms if my relatives did it. I'm not going to be able to protest anyway. As long as the body isn't dragged through the streets and defiled, I think that the sentimental gesture outweighs the placement of the body. Especially if you're religious and believe that the body is just a mere vessel.

I understand that placing the fish in a compost or bio recycling gizmo might be best, but this isn't always practical. In my town we are only allowed to use fruit and vegetable matter as personal compost in the borough limits. I also understand that the garbage or the toilet have negative connotations (as in crap and trash), but that doesn't really bother me or come into consideration. Hell, I've even had some downright enjoyable times on the toilet, but I suppose it rests on the individual.

...A bit long, but I had to get those Noelbergian ethics onto the thread.

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