The intention of the original post is correct: Hey, everybody out there, DO SOME RESEARCH!! If you don't, innocent lives are at stake!!!
I have 2 different bits of advice IMHO.
First, for all who have some knowledge to share:
Let's encourage reseaching + sharing, let's make it fun, let's make researching as much fun as keeping fish!
Second, for Newbies and not:
It's very much like piloting an airplane: We are the Pilots-in-Command of our aquariums, and no matter what anybody says, in the end it's our responsibility, and ours alone. If we feel the Tower has given us a wrong order, be it a lfs, or a guru, or a book, we have the right/responsibility to act otherwise.
Which brings us back to the beggining: Good decisions are based on prompt + proper information. And this comes from Thorough Research, at the right time, which is usually before acting, and not after
In the time I've been here, I've enjoyed learning and sharing, and I believe my healthy aquarium is the consequence of this! It's like having two Hobbies!