Resealing A Tank?


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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I read up on how to do it. It does not sound too bad a little messy maybe. so on a scale of 1-10 how hard is it to reseal a tank? 1 being easy 10 being hardest.
3-6, depending on bracing and the condition of the structural silicone, allong with the tank size :good:
3-6, depending on bracing and the condition of the structural silicone, allong with the tank size :good:

Ok say the tank is in good shape it just needs a touch up because turtels scraped up some of it but it still holds water.
if it still holds, then you could just leave it. when you reseal a tank, you want to redo the whole seam, not just one little spot. silicon doesnt stick to silicon, only glass. and it would be a lot better to shave the whole seam and reseal
I'd argue that it's best to re-seal the whole tank. If a jobs worth doing, it's worth "overdoing" and not botching, as doing one seal is IMO.

I'd rate it a 3 jobby for a small tank, a bit higher for larger tanks due to the "fumes" off the un-cured silicone, released via a larger tank...

All the best

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