rescued guppy babies...what now?

well as for the heat guppys can live quite happily at the lower end of the tropical heat range with is not that much about room temp. the babys are a little more sensitive i would have thaught i think the main problem hear would be the oxigen. a few nice plants and a 1 - 2 foot tank and small heater will do fine as for the filter a simple air driven foam thing would probably do fine the whole set up neednt cost the earth remeber guppys are the among hardest tropical/ semi tropical fish. and an exelent starter fish.

edit :
this is the sort of thing and you will need a small air pump as for temp i would just make shure its ina a warm room for now. call me irrisponcible but i had guppys for over a year in a room that was rellatively hot they all did fine and i got them to breed.

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