Rescued Gouramis // Tank Size


Fish Fanatic
Aug 4, 2012
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so i had a coworker who knew nothing about fish and he got a 90 gal fishtank from his daughter along with her other fish.
i took a 3 spotted gourami from him because it had fungus and one of his feelers was bit off because..... HE KEPT THE FISH WITH A LARGE MOUTH BASS AND A BLUEGILL he caught while fishing.
there WERE 2 gouramis.. but when i got there the other one was killed and had a huge bite taken out of his mid section.
so, i took this one and treated him with medication and i kept him in an 20[Length]x10[width]x18[height] (80f with volcano rock gravel and live plants, water tests fine, change 30-40% water once a week) 10 gal inch tank that i had.
i'm in an apartment and i'm not allowed to have large tanks, nor do i have room for another tank.
i'm worried that i should be having this guy in a larger tank, but he isnt showing signs of stress and  doesnt pace and his appetitite is more than fine.
sometimes i put my netbook down and i have a playlist of tropical aquarium vids i ripped from youtube and he seems to like all the colors.
do you guys think i'm keeping him in an aquarium that's too small for him? he seems content with it and has some room to move around.
I'm so glad you were able to get him out of that tank.
Three-spots get to 6" and their minimum tank size is 20g.
Are you absolutely sure you can't get a bit bigger tank? It may be best for you to re-home him, as in give to someone else with proper sized tank, or bring him to the LFS.
Whereabouts are you? Like US, UK, or?
OMG those poor gouramis!

You can keep the poor little guy in the 10g for now. I dont consider a 30g a "large" tank, certainly not as big as that other guy had. I eventually moved my gourami from a 17g to a 30g (I don't think 20g is enough swimming room, these guys have a lot of power to them, but whatever you can get). Is the apartment carpeted or hard wood? They're probably concerned if the tank ever leaked/cracked and spilled all that water and rot the floor. Could just explain firmly that you'll do everything in your power to prevent any water damage from the tank and see if they'll allow a larger tank.
Sometimes...I dont think 30g is enough either... Right now my gourami is staring at me and looking around for some algea to munch on.
Ninjouzata said:
I'm so glad you were able to get him out of that tank.
Three-spots get to 6" and their minimum tank size is 20g.
Are you absolutely sure you can't get a bit bigger tank? It may be best for you to re-home him, as in give to someone else with proper sized tank, or bring him to the LFS.
Whereabouts are you? Like US, UK, or?
well, i live in an apartment building and there are restrictions on the size of the fishtank you can get.
this 10gal is long, and it is planted.   he doesnt show signs of being stressed out.  it sounds funny but i have my netbook there with youtube aquarium vids playing on a loop.  maybe i turned him into a couch potato.
i'll wait until the pet stores have a 1usd to gallon sale and i'll get him something a bit larger.  it sucks that they have these rules but i can understand them.  there's a guy i work with and he had a crazy girlfriend who once threw something at his 90 gal tank and it shattered it,  ruining the floor.
Do you know what size tank they'll allow up to?
What size is the gourami now, any idea? If he gets close to the side of the tank you could try putting a ruler up to guesstimate. He looks quite big in there from the pic.
I still find that really cute that you play vids for him. :wub:
And what size tank are you going to pick up, you think? The rules are understandable it just makes these situations a bit more difficult! Shame about that persons tank :/

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