rescued any sick bettas ...................


Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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we all want to hear about your rescued bettas, sick bettas are quite common in local pet stores and walmarts but people like us are trying to help by buying these little beautys and raising them to good health :)

i think im speaking for everyone else on this forum when i say "well done for saving fishy lives" :D
yup yup :D i like to buy sick fishys cuz they are always the nicest. my oscar was the smallest an prolly going to die that week some times if i hadnt got him. now he is one of the best fish ive ever had. like when i clean out the walls of is tank with a sponge he brushes against my wrist LIKE A CAT he jus started doing that about a year ago. with i had a cam its soooooo kewl. my betta had some really badly nipped fins when i got him an his fins were all fixed up an healing in acouple days.
Every single one of my pets, finned and furred have been a rescue of some sort. I believe that an animal knows when it's situation is bad and they love and appreciate you all the more! (in their own animal way :D )
Here is newest one, a pit mix... he was being used as a bait dog for full bred pitbulls (I know he's not a fish but he's so damn cute I had too!)
Here's Ra!
its ok i love dogs as well as fish and hes so cute!!i've never rescued a fish from the petstore but i rescued it from my sister. she had her betta in a tiny bowl so my dad and I wen t to the store and bought a 2.5 for him.he had finrot and my sister wouldn't let me treat it for her so i had to wait till she went on vacation for a few weeks :D the betta is fine now but i take care of him. she just feeds him.

edited for spelling
I never appreciated Bettas, until I got my first one that is... :D I picked the healthiest one I could find to make it easier for me to learn how to care for them, but recently had a very sick one thrust upon me. I went away for the weekend and my mother had bought a very sick Betta from a dollar store in my town. The local Petco pawns the sickest ones it has to them to keep from having to replace them under the return policy. It's really very callous and irresponsible of them. So I come home to find an almost dead Betta in a pyrex bowl waiting for me to treat it.

I tossed it into a very healthy community tank (the only tank I have where it wouldn't get eaten) and put in a pinch of instant ocean (A trick I learned on another forum to stop disease from spreading too quickly.) and an extra dose of stress coat... Before I could get around to treating the ich and fin-rot, the Betta began to recover... Rapidly. It's been three days and he's well on his way to recovery. I'm keeping the proper medication on hand and watching him very closely... Even as I type. Looks like gut instinct payed off in this situation. All the other fish are doing well, and don't seem to be coming down with any of the Betta's ailments. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Yup, all of my hairy pets are rescues of some sort either by myself or adopted from a rescue. Of my fish two of my bettas are rescues. Pewter, who was the last of two at a LFS and looked like he wasn't going to make it much longer. Filthy cup, stress stripes and all that. The guy sold me both for $3, my friend took the other one.

This was him the first day I had him, now he's much darker and no stress stripes. :)

And Mambo who was at a LPS and was one of dozens but he was the only one with fin rot. He caudal tail is practically gone. I have only had him a couple of weeks.

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