Rescue :(


Fish Crazy
Nov 26, 2004
Reaction score
Maidstone, Kent, UK
Just been to my lfs, on wednesday i saw a male betta, they leave them in the bags they are delivered in :( he was just laying there looking very poorly so i could not stop thinking about it , just went back and he looked worse so bought him, have put him in a small tank 1/2 full so he can get to the top to breathe , couple of drops of melafix and he has eaten a couple of blood worms.. he is so thin he is the same width as his fins, they are all stuck together, if he makes it till the morning i will give him a salt bath. Acclimatised him slowly with spoon fulls of water, he is having a little swim now.. damn lfs.. :angry: cant think of a name for him !
That right there is what a rescue is all about.

Good on you for nabbing him up. Make sure his water is warm enough...being cold can make them lethargic (they like it anywhere from 78 - 84 degrees).

You could name him

Heng that means: be fortunate ; be lucky ; fortunate ; lucky in Thai.

rôt that means: succeed ; triumph ; be successful ; accomplish ; be victorious survive ; escape from death ; save in Thai.

Good luck with him :nod: . (and post pictures..we wanna see him..of course:D)
Is there anything wrong with him other than clamped fins and thin? If not I wouldn't give him a salt bath. They are very stressful and are ususally only used in case of emergency as a last ditch effort. Usually clean water and a dash of aquarium salt in their bowls is enough to start with. After you've had him for a few days if he doesn't perk up, then it's time to start with meds, etc. If you start medicating without a specific cause you can make him build up a tolerance to medications and they won't be useful later if you really need them. :)
ok will see how he goes, glad he is eating here is a pic
not very good as on my phone, why is hs back so hunched??
Well done. I will keep my fingers crossed for him!

Sorry, but I can't get the pic. Probably my pc as I'm at work and we have tons of filters on everything. Maybe someone else can see it and help you there. :dunno:
If the way the betta is treated at that LFS really bothers you then the worse thing that you can do is buy the fish. Once you do the store has made money so you know what they are going to do now? Buy more bettas and treat them the same way. The only way they will stop with the bettas is if they don't sale any. No matter how hard you try you can't buy them all........Everything in out world is driven by profit.

SRC said:
rôt that means: succeed ; triumph ; be successful ; accomplish ; be victorious survive ; escape from death ; save in Thai.
That's a beautiful meaning for a spelling that conjurs up such awful thoughts, lol! :lol: I like the idea of giving a Thai name, though. I might try that with my next betta.
He is doing very well thank you ! He has been named shaun as my nephew chose it, sorry its not more imaginative !! He has been eating like a horse all weekend but is still choosing to lay in the plants rather than swim around, but he is not laying on the bottom anymore, there is no females in with him but he is trying to make a bubble nest bless him ! damn men cant control themselves and conserve their energy ! I dont think he is out of the woods yet but doing really well, his fins are really stuck together, how can i help this ? i dont think its finrot because its all over only the little fins on his back really move.

As for people leaving, i feel bad for starting the topic but i do believe they had a valid point, my boyfriend got angry with me at the weekend because i picked an injured squirrel out of the road (very busy A road ! ) it bit me but was well enough to be released Sunday, but he thinks i am crazy doing it but ALWAYS says he is so proud of how compassionate it is to try and help everywhere you can.. just because people would not bother to do it themselves does not mean they should show contempt for people that do as i would not get angry if he didnt pick it up when i was not there. I dont care if the shop makes money, i dont care if they just want to sell fish, he was the most poorly and would have died if he was left any longer and i dont claim to be saving the world, i could not bear the thought of his sad, slow and isolated death... anyone who thinks i should have not bought him.. i dont care, someone wil always buy them unless you put licencing laws on keeping fish and make them far less rife and far more expensive, on that basis if people want to try and do a little good they should not be critisized.
I find this both alaming and funny.

On the funny part Bettamommy who typed this sentence "Why do some people feel the need to come here and spend time bitching about what other people have posted? "
...then when I express my opinion she jumps on me with everything she has....LOL. You got to love that kind of logic. An opinion is only good if it is hers.......

Heads up for folks that hope to have fish in the future....Please do some research into animal rights groups....One of their core beliefs is that people should not own pets....That includes fish. You are recruiting help from people that are all for making it illegal for stores to sell fish but only because they are against you owning fish.....Of course these folks also think it is awfull that fish get shipped. So before you get them all geared up to fight the fish industry you need to realize that you are cutting your own throats.

I am not making a judgement on the Walmart thing but at least here locally they are selling 95% of the bettas that they get. Now I would love to see that at 100% but it is not like 90% of the fish are dying in their stores..


P.S. I hope everyone has a GREAT day.
Personally i was not claiming to be going to animal rights, i do think it was a little strong worded to say i should not have bought the fish, we dont live in an ideal world and its naiive to think there will never be any fish badly kept anywhere, as for mine, the store are USUALLY ok but this week they had not taken them out of the bags and he was too frail, i went in yesterday and the rest are now in the tanks.
Ita ll relevant, in the uk bettas are not sold in cups or tiny tanks and its not like i am picking the worst out of a stack of 60 (though i have to admit i would pick out the worst ones if i lived in the USA !) i was buying one who would probably have died because i think lfs get a little complacent with fish !
This is off the subject a little but its the same concept, i have a german shepherd dog and when i got him he was advertised in a paper so i needed a guard dog, called and went to view them, he was bald with fleas, his feet were bleeding where his claws had been clipped too short and he was passing blood due to a worming overdose, i took him home that day no question.. all this because they breed for show and he has a kink in his tail ...had i not bought him they still would be bred for show, the breeders would still sell them to someone i just looked in his eyes and could not leave him ! Its not an overall solution but for me a that moment and for my lukey it was !
I can see where your coming from but we will never be at a point where people are not buying fish :thumbs: so my solution is to help where i can !
I was not beating you up on buying the fish. That was your choice and I have no problem with it. I did have an opinion and I expressed it. I was trying to get people to think a little deeper into the issue. My opinions may have been wrong. I was just pointing out that making the pet store money will not make them change the way that they treat bettas. If they are I can live with it. My prior response was directed to the folks that think their opinions are right 100% of the time. You better not disagree with them or they want to send you to hell........


P.S. Hope the fish are doing well
On on the dog deal I agee with you. I have raised catahoulas for many years. They are a working breed. I still use my dogs. While I do show them at times I never raise a litter to sale. I raise a litter when I need replacement dogs. The extra pups are normally given to other breeders that also work their dogs instead of sold to folks that in my opinion do not need a catahoula.

I feel really bad for all the people on here who have dedicated their time and effort to giving needy bettas good homes. I applaud dulce, Bettamomma, and all others who are sincerely interested in the welfare of bettas EVERYWHERE. :clap: :clap: :clap:

As for those of you who feel the need to rant or belittle others... please take it elsewhere. There are debate forums where you can do this kind of thing. :grr:
Yay for you Dulce! I agree we that can't save the world but to each individual animal we save, THEIR world becomes a whole lot brighter. It's not about the money that corporations, etc. make from us. It's about people who are caring, compassionate and have respect for those who have no voice. So KUDOS to everyone who tries to make any animals life better. My (imaginary) hat's off to us all!

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