Rescue Report - Update

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Fish Addict
Mar 2, 2005
Reaction score
Southern Indiana
After taking advantage of BettaMomma's generous offer of 1 gal Aquaview tanks, I hit the road Friday evening looking for the "needy" betta I knew was out there waiting. First I went to Walmart. SURPRISE! There were 28 bettas in clean water that all looked healthy. The only thing I did there was to re-arrange the cups so that the air holes weren't covered. (Okay, I also explained to the salesclerk watching me that the air holes were for --- air. :p ) There was a beautiful white boy there that I tried like crazy to find somethng wrong with because I wanted him so badly. Not a pimple on him. :crazy:

Next I went to Petsmart. Basically the same story. They had 34 bettas. The cups were tiny, but they were clean and all the fish looked healthy. I didn't even have to rearrange the cups there.

Last stop of the night was at my former LFS. I stopped going there when I went in one day and saw a dead clown loach laying on the floor with everyone just stepping over him. That day I also found at least 8 dead fish in different tanks. This time wasn't much different. I don't know what has happened to this store. They used to take such good care of their fish. Anyway, the first three rows of bettas were okay other than the water wasn't the cleanest. But on the last row, it was awful. Three boys with columnaris so bad you couldn't tell what color they were supposed to be. One was just hanging in the water with his mouth at the top and didn't even move when I picked up his cup. The second one had so much fungus on him that you couldn't see anything but gray patches, white stringy fuzz and eyes. The third had a good dose of it as well, but was a little more active and not quite as bad off as the other two, but he was close.

I called the manager over and told him I wanted to show him something. Although we are not on a first name basis he has definately seen me in the store enough to recognize me as a (former) regular customer. When I showed him the fish I told him I was taking the worst one home to try to save him, but that the other two needed help immediately. He rushed them off to quarantine and then came back up to me apologizing. I told him that wasn't going to do the fish any good and that they didn't get that way in one day. I won't go into the entire ten minute lecture I gave him, but ended that I would be checking back in a few days and if it wasn't any better I'd be calling to report him.

He just apologized again and when I got to the register, he didn't charge me for the betta (big deal, the fish was almost dead then.) I named the little fellow Fozzy. I took him home and was very careful to aclimate him over about an hours time into a 1 gal critter keeper where I had added blackwater extract, aquarium salt and maracyn to the water. He lived for about three hours, but I think the shock to his system was too much and he was just too sick.

The next morning I went back to the LFS and told them I wanted the other two sick bettas. One of the others, the one that was just hanging in the water, had died during the night just like Fozzy. The other one was doing a little better, and the manager gave him to me. He was in clean water at least and they hadn't flushed him.

That was on Saturday. This morning I could see definate improvement. He is still kind of lethargic, but the fungus is clearing up and the gray patches are smaller. I think he may turn out to have a white or light colored body with blue fins. It's still a little soon to tell for sure.

Sorry for the long post, but I had to vent a little. I knew when I took Fozzy home he wouldn't make it, but it still hurt that he died before I could really do anything to stop his suffering.

Bless you for taking him home.
It's hard when you know they won't make it, but when they finally go it's crushing. At least he had someone's eyeballs looking in on him to find out how he was doing, and not to have a pair of eyeballs rolled at him because they didn't want to worry about his water changes, or none of them looking in at him at all.

I bet he knew you meant him nothing but good things.

I'd be happy to make another call to their store to reinforce the fact that they need to take better care of their fish, if you'd like me to.

Glad to hear the new guy is coming along nicely! He will probably turn out to be one beautiful happy healthy boy.
Good for you! And little Vince is one very lucky boy to have met you.
poor Fozzy, and the other little guy that died. It's great that you told the LFS manager what you thought about him!! I *really* hope they do turn things around there...

Vince is a very lucky boy! ;) good luck with him, and please share some pics!! It sounds like his coloring is beautiful... pastel?
Just an update on Vince. He's looking really good this morning. Most of the fuzz is gone and I can really start to see color on him now. Last night I was feeding the other fish their peas and he swam to the front of his bowl to investigate. I put a bite of pea in and he gulped it down and wanted more. After the peas I brought out the bloodworms and he scarfed on them too, so his appitite is back in full force. Just keep your fingers crossed for him. :D
:thumbs: Congrats on your rescue, even thou fozzy didnt live, you made him comfortable and cared for him the best you could, which im positive he is eternally grateful for

Cant wait for pics of your new boy :hyper:
Gyah, that's so sad >_< I hate it when people just leave fish to rot! And bettas are so easy to care for, they really have no excuse! Would it have killed them to change their water every couple days and add a few drops of medicine in the cup if the betta was sick? Yeesh, and then they expect you to buy their mistreated fish. I ALWAYS check the fish first now when I go into a Walmart or Petsmart. I've been lucky to find that the bettas in our area are well taken care of, their water is always pristine. Wish I could say the same for the other fish though. I had to walk away when a Walmart employee was scooping dead fish from the livebearers' tanks. Especially when the woman was shrieking "He's dead! Look at this one, he's like a brick!"
Like BettaMomma said, Bless you. You are a good person. My boyfriend just did the same thing for a fish at Walmart and he didn't make it either. At least he was happy and out of that dreadful little cup before he died.

You always have to think, at least you tried. And make sure you do turn him in if he doesn't take better care of his fish.

We went to one of our LFS's yesterday and there was a dead (and very furry) betta in a little cup, a dead lionfish and several other dead fish. The girl there obviously knows nothing and didn't even look in the tanks when she got there in the morning. I just don't get people that work at pet stores and don't even care about the animals.

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