Rescue Betta Update!


Jun 9, 2008
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Both Bettas are doing great! They both had blood worms this morning and their colours are coming through better and bolder than ever! I added a shrimp to the tank from my community tank and they seem amazed with it XD they watch it and follow it around the tank. Dont worrry, they havnt hurt it yet. If they do, i will put it back. They both love swimming through the Elodea. So far, no fights betwen them, i am keeping the tank at a steady 27 degrees but am thinking of raising it to 30 to reduce chance of disease. The tank has no filter and so i am doing weekly changes. The Blue female has a rather swollen belly but has no problems swimming so i think it is just eggs :crazy: Finnage is also rapidly improving :D I'm just sorry i couldnt rescue them all! It just shows a little TLC and they can become so muh better. Oh! and the blue female is showing signs of being DT'd! Woop!
Any comments or tips would be appreciated! :rolleyes:

Finlay, and the Betta girlies XD
Thats great :good: How big is the tank? If its big enough it might be worth adding more so they dont end up fighting when they are fit enough.
Its quite big! they are resting right now :p I think their game of 'follow the shrimp' has worn them out XD Should i be worried about her bloated belly?
Its quite big! they are resting right now :p I think their game of 'follow the shrimp' has worn them out XD Should i be worried about her bloated belly?
You could feed them both on some cooled boiled peas. Once they are cool just remove the outer shell and squeeze them gently into the water. It should help them open their bowels lol! Then dont feed them for a couple of days to make sure they are clear.
XD Yup they seem to like peas :D now i know where to go when my mum gives me peas lol I HATE THEM!!! I feel so sorry for all the other bettas there. I didnt have enough room :( These shop owners get me so annoyed :angry:
Glad to hear they are doing ok :good: It would be helpful to know what size tank they are in otherwise it makes it difficult to anyone to give help or advice. If it's a small tank then you may need to be doing more than a weekly water change as you have no filter. Also we'd be able to advise whether you could add any more females to spread out any bullying which may happen :D
They aer currently in a quarantine 18litre tank. I was thinking of buying more females and setting up a species tank in my 30 UK gal
A 30gal would be great for a female only betta sorority could have quite a few in there. Just make sure it's got lots of plants and hidey holes for them to escape to if need be and they will be fine.........the girlies can be just as aggressive as the males sometimes lol :good:

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