Rescape For Both Tanks


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2011
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Had a little shuffle around after getting some new plants for the 70l added anubais to the centre log red plant behind the big green on the left (although I think I may move again just hard to find room lol)

Then my 400l has had more plants added and maybe some fish since the last time I posted a picture of it.

(Ignore the rubbish kitchen is being fitted so there's stuff everywhere.
looks good! in the first pic is that a real moss ball?
jwalser18 said:
looks good! in the first pic is that a real moss ball?
Yes it is, there is also 4 in the 400l but they have been moved by various plecs and catfish
Looking good, can you tell us what is the substrate in the 70L please?  Also, they are good filters, very quiet the one you have in the 70L, I have one in my corner tank and I run it with the spray bar attached.  Is yours the Aqua Internal 100?
RCA said:
Looking good, can you tell us what is the substrate in the 70L please?  Also, they are good filters, very quiet the one you have in the 70L, I have one in my corner tank and I run it with the spray bar attached.  Is yours the Aqua Internal 100?
The filter is an aqua-flow 200, the substrate is caribsea Eco complete (red kind) but only the red because when I ordered it there was no black instock. But tbh I'm glad there wasn't as I love the look of this

The filter is the larger size to mine then.
I looked at that substrate when I was looking for something to grow the plants in, and it seems popular, just felt it was too large for the Cory's I am planning for the tank.  I agree though it looks good, hence my question.
well i don't plan on having corys (although i do in my 400l and there fine on the smooth gravel) but this eco complete is no were near as big as that although i would probably say its abit sharper
RCA said:

The filter is the larger size to mine then.
I looked at that substrate when I was looking for something to grow the plants in, and it seems popular, just felt it was too large for the Cory's I am planning for the tank.  I agree though it looks good, hence my question.
i have been thinking about changing my 400l to sand originally i wanted black but it seems so much more expensive than the natural color i dont look forward to removing everything from the tank (already done once because original gravel was horrible looking when lights were on).

thinking of just using argos play sand as its nice and cheap and recommended by many users
also gives me an excuse to buy new wood and replace the boat on the left side

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