Reptiles Anyone


New Member
Feb 27, 2005
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Common let's see all those snakes, i have 11 total, the biggest is 8 4 1/2" and the smallest 1' i also raise their food which i enjoy doing alot. Here are some of mine, all boas.




My biggest gal Flicka:
I love that third one, what is it?

I hate threads like these, as its something I want so much but cant get...
This one is absolutely stunning!


what type is it? a rainbow boa? its beautiful!

I used to keep snow corns but i havent got another since my last passed away.

lovely pictures xx :good:
That's a Brazilian Rainbow Boa.....absolutely gorgeous pic. We have 2 and they have great temperaments :good:
Fantastic snakes, that boa has an awesome tail...You've definetly shown why RB's are named as they are :drool:
I did have 3 corn snakes which I sold last week, but still have my beasty royal.
Next on the list is Male RP, SBP, and BRB, (or if the opportunity arises another female water dragon) since I just stocked up on lizards :p
They're all absolutely gorgeous!! I'd love to keep some myself, but not until we have a place of our own =)

Potm for the Rainbow Boa, and Confessa! They're both gorgeous, and couldn't make up my mind. So both get one =)
Stunning snakes, I used to keep burmese pythons, (3 off) columbian red tail boas (2 off) and a royal python. Gave them up when I married my ex, should have kept the snakes and ditched him.
Your rainbow boa is stunning.

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