reptile tank to fish tank?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 27, 2003
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i have an iguana in a 55gal and i wuz wondering if we built her a new cage, would it be possible to change the 55 into a fw tank? is there a good way to clean it? oh and there is some driftwood in her tank too, if it was cleaned sumhow, could it be put in a fish tank? all opinions/experiences welcome
Boil the drift wood and bleach the tank out really well and as long as it holds water why not.
this mite sound dumb but by "bleach the tank" you do mean like actual bleach right?
Yeah, you can use regular bleach. Just rinse it well. When using bleach to clean a tank I rinse very well, then fill it up and let it sit for a week- then empty and rinse again.

Boiling the DW is a good idea too.
Make sure it CAN hold water. :thumbs: HTH's

Was just talking to my BIL about making an Iquana enclosure.

We are gonna use HarwareCloth ( people use it to make rabbit pens ) and wooden supports.
Probably gonna be about eight ft long four ft wide and around six ft high.
Planted with loads of good greens for him to eat.

Arent animals great? :D
Ummm.... is this 55gallon a reptile tank or a fish tank to begin with because if it was a reptile tank do not do it because it will fail or crack after it is set up because the glass isnt thick enough where as fish tanks are double paned glass and can withstand the higher pressures from the water.
Shizat is if it was a reptile tank im not sure that all the cleaning in the world will remove all the chemical from the waste of the lizard.. My understanding is it often obsorbs into the sealant on the tank and is there to stay..unless you remove the old sealant and reseal it..
They sell cleaning supplies for tanks but I am not sure how well they work. They even have a glass cleaner for aquariums that (I am assuming) doesn't use ammonia. If the tank was a 55 gallon fish tank that was just used for an iguana it should be ok but if it was originally a reptile tank than the glass and sealant wouldn't stand up the pressure of the water inside of it as a fish tank.
you could put in some gravle and a bit of water and keep a bull frog (from tadpol) in it then keep feeders in the water once it matures and some crickets on the "land".

i have used sealant befor and it worked on my tank i used it for a 40g tank so maybey yours is to big, that is alot of water on the floor :lol: better try it out side first befor you fill it up inside you my rooen looks of stuff in your house or and that alwas costs money well just try it out side to be safe. :thumbs:
If it is a regular aquarium it will be fine.
You do need to clean the heck out of it though.

Crimson I had a big Iguana (4.5')and I used fake grass. The dimentions were about the same as you plan... now if I had to do it again I would have raised it 2' off the floor.. put bathroom tial around the bottom 2' and the bottom.. then put the fattest drain I could find on the bottom so cleaning could be squirt squirt done :)
Real grass will grow in 2 inches of dirt why not just build a low box instead of a shelf?


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